this practice is done by accumulating a planets worth of drugs (preferably a mixture of stimulants and opiates) then staying up all night doing things on your computer that the nsa would not approve of
"hey tom theres this data server ive been lookin at no ones used it years, u wanna hit it?" "george, i see us goin on a board bender in our future" "maaaayyyybe but by brother never takes his adderall, were good"
Grabbing someone by the feet while on their back and ramming your foot into their crotch.
I grabbed him by the feet and rode him like a Chinese Surf Board!
like water boarding, but you hold her head down while climaxing in the poi’s mouth
yo! did you hear about how jackson did a child board on his girlfriend
funny thing tiktoker Montaine said while rapping
Montaine: and i know the hate comments only happen cuh dey board
the board that has push pins and red string. it is commonly used in context with detectives and stuff.
I saw them use a detective board thingy on the show "Blue Bloods".
Someone who helps people get on planes but also someone who is so great at their job that they are a star.
Person 1: damn he’s really good at his job
Person 2: he must be a boarding star