The act of absolute intolerance of excessive Facebook usage.
i.e., posting more than 3 updates a day, Facebook Stalking, uploading numerous pictures of your monotonous daily activity, being a Facebook Drama Queen, obsessive application usage, Facebook Creeping, and taking too many useless quizzes.
Facebook Impatience usually results in a speedy Facebook Murder without hesitation.
Marky has a severe case of Facebook Impatience. I took the "What's you Favorite Position" quiz, and posted 4 status updates today, and he dropped me like a hot potato!
The Facebook Hypocrite is that one person that we all have on Facebook who preaches about annoying things people do in their statuses, but proceeds to do the same annoying things on a daily basis. This can range from writing long statuses about simple life problems and then complaining about people writing long statuses about simple life problems, to telling people to get off Facebook and "get a life" while sitting on Facebook and analyzing what everyone on Facebook is doing.
Girl's Facebook Status: "people who post things "2 minutes ago" "4 minutes ago" "8minutes ago" ALL DAY LONG! Get out and do something."
Girl: *Becomes "The Facebook Hypocrite" by posting numerous statuses every few hours about something new in her day while sharing photos from Facebook pages and her cell phone every 10 minutes or so while complaining that people are on Facebook too much.*
a person who will seem perfectly normal during most forms of communication (texting, talking, email, etc.) but upon using facebook chat they assume a new persona such that they seem as if they are depressed, suicidal, or otherwise interested is hurting themselves.
boy1)hey have you ever talked to that Jim guy?
boy2)yeah he seems pretty cool, why?
boy1)well he sent me a friend request on facebook last night so i started chatting with...
boy2)so what?
boy1)he got really depressing.
boy2)dude hes a total facebook emo.
The one employee that is responsible for posting the messages and status updates on the companies Facebook page.
- Damn! Our Facebook jockey just quit!
You mean to say that WE have to post the messages from now on? When are we hiring a new one?
A gullible person with liberal views who constantly cries wolf and believes the sky is falling because they believe every liberal Facebook post and who shares fake news stories without thinking for a second whether or not they are true.
Ha Ha. This Facebook Liberal is sharing more fake news in her feed and whipping herself into another frenzy.
The logic which has developed as a direct consequence of the impact facebook and other social networking sites has on society. Meaningful relationships are undermined as friends are reduced to contacts which are to be collected as commodities in the attempt to appear cool.
The pervasiveness of this ideology legitimates the increasing transience of social relationships.
In layman's terms it becomes cool to have a vast pool of contacts requiring too much time and effort to properly maintain. As such the people worthy of an individual's time and effort are determined by the rewards that come with associating with that individual.
I don't care how many facebook friends you have, I don't buy into the facebook paradigm.
Part of speech: verb
Describes a photo in which one or many people have been obviously cropped out of the picture in an attempt to focus on an individual. Most notable feature includes some body part (ie. shoulder) of the cropped person remaining in the frame.
Most commonly used in situations where the person being cropped out is disliked by the individual doing the cropping.
v: Sally facebook cropped James out of her profile pic after they broke up.