Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): ford-ed; ford-ing
To screw up everything one does with total perfection, completely, on multiple levels, denying responsibility while aggressively pursuing any person, organisation or institution that would suggest otherwise
The candidate forded his job interview, leading to his not getting the job, a response from police, fire, coroner and paramedics, two arrests, and an expense of $106,000.00 to stakeholders.
The most daddy automobile company you know.
I have a Ford so I am now your master.
The slowest, stupidest, most expensive pice of shit money can buy. Someone who owns a Ford is likely stupid as all hell.
Dude one: I got a Ford
Dude two: ha gaaaay
Dude three: should have got a Chevy dumbass
Ford-F150 BEST CAR ON THE MARKET, FIRE FIRE FIRE, 400 HORSEPOWER-10 SPEED AUTOMATIC 4 wheeled is a fast all-terrain mountain PICKUP TRUCK !! Faster than the 2015 Ergonomic Drippy SILVER Multi-Gear 24 inch MONGOOSE Ledge mountain bike with Fire Decals, Comfortable Bike Seat, Brakes, Handles and TWO Wheels that can go 20 MPH that if you ride it ur veins get filled with ice.