Source Code

Half of 69

half of 69 is 34.5 so whenever its like (example) 9:34 you can like look at your friend and be like, oh add 34.5 plus 34.5 and thats what we'll be doing tonight

"Dude, it's 8:34. That's half of 69"

by 69 boo December 10, 2018

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Euphemism for "half-assed"

"Quit being so half-donkey about it, you lazy putz.

by FoxxDogg October 15, 2004

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Half assed

Half assed: A play on words regarding the word haphazard, which is what you get when someone incompetent attempts to do a careless job on something that could endanger people.

Wow, President Trump's really done a half assed job so far.

by DonnyBrasco March 21, 2019

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Half Send

Someone who is unwilling to join the boys in a send. A half sender if more likely to go on a picnic date and study than crack a couple brews with the boys.

β€œHey Miles you wanna have a send this Friday night or u gonna be a half sender”
β€œNah I’d rather work my minimum wage job after the picnic dateπŸ˜˜β€

by Giddy gue October 27, 2019

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half speak

Saying something that only gives a small amount of actual information; speaking without depth, detail or reason.

You said the problem with the company is leadership, but that's just half speak, it's a general statement without any real information.

You complain so much about him but you never really explain what’s going on, it’s just half-speak.

by Sara McCracken April 21, 2019

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Half Easy

The point at which your dick is just barely getting up. In other words your up but your not all the way up.

Ahhhh shit I got another half easy...

by Da Shrimp February 8, 2006

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Half A Gadgie

Geordie Slang for a woman who looks like a man.

"fuck off ya half a gadgie" or "seen horr o'er there, she looks like a reet half a gadgie"

by Honeywolf October 23, 2011

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