Jose Jayme is the name of a very gay individual. A Jose does not like people of dark skin and will do everything to get women away from him and out of his life. He is derogatory and a sweat at fortnite and lunchtime basketball. He is doodoo at life and always gets outrebounded by a Zaddy. He has a hot sister and thinks he is tuning his own sister. He is the size of Frodo and has a very short temper. A Jose Jayme constantly gets crossed up by a Shimmo and always will be blocked by a Berto. He has however completed one amazing achievement, he holds the record for the worlds largest head. Other words associated with a Jose Jayme can be: Josgay Gayme, Gayboi, Shooksay or even Faggot.
Your so gay, almost as gay as Jose Jayme
Stop being so Jose Jayme you faggot
I'm a homophobe, so i do not wish to be associated with Jose Jayme
"I'm Joseeee"-- iDubbz
José Maria Fernandes is a Portuguese name. José Maria Fernandes is often a person with low arguing capabilities that will shove his point of view down your throat, he will not care about what you have to say. Is often described as a daydreamer that can't connect 2 thoughts.
Hey Look it's jose maria fernandes... such an Idiot!
A smart fat kid that is half Mexican and American.
A fatass
Whoa! Jose Trejo is fat and smart.
A colloquialism used to describe a difficult state of being; often used to lament physical, mental, or emotional pain.
“I just worked on the railroad for 13 hours straight. Tomorrow I’m going to be a hurtin’ Jose”
“The Chicago Cubs just lost their 8th game in a row; I’m a hurtin’ Jose”
Juan is the love of your life. He doesn't know it but he's the only reason you wake up in the morning and makes you feel so special every single day. He doesn't speak English but still talks to you every single day. He is so cute and gives you butterflies and makes you feel like shit when your not with him. He's not your man, but one day he will be.
Me: there's a feeling in my chest and I don't know if it's love or pain because of the fact that Juan isnt mine yet. I'm in love with Juan Jose Lopez
Jose Demetrius Darquavion is a border hoping tequila drinking taco eating man
He has a massive PP at the length of 2,5 inchs
Jose Demetrius Darquavion has slept with your mother, your sister, your father, your brother, your uncle, your auntie, your cousins
Don't disrespect THE Jose Demetrius Darquavion
Jose Demetrius Darquavion is Soooooooooo Hot