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Acronym: L(Ife) I(ntercepting) T(ime) -LIT: Depicting A Mode or attitude.

I.e.: When you're on the level of "fucked up" where you're entire mind/body has been altered to the point that time is irrelevant and anybody/everybody is worth talking too.

EX: BOOM, it's suddenly 4:02am and you have no idea how you got here or how you passed the last few hours of your time sitting in the dark, happily listening to a candle "crackle" so, you break out your phone and start texting "friends". New, old, good or bad. It doesn't matter, if they answer you love them, even that hideous one-night stand from 4 years ago. Everybody gets love and You love them hard for a little but you still get angry at the ones that don't answer, because "why aren't you like, up at 4:15 am with me; talking about the universe's secrets, or like, enjoying life and this candle's majestic 'crackle' with me and shit."

Because - when you're this fuckedup, time is irrelevant and you can stop the sun from rising and Wednesday morning from coming. It's LIT

see also, LITuation, Lit Mode

Friend1 : "why the hell did you text me a poem about a candle "crackling" at 4:34am?
Friend2: "oops... Sorry I was LIT and looking back at my texts... Jesus should have taken my iPhone instead of the wheel. It's going to be an awkward day of 'sorry I was LIT' conversations."

Friend1: "you really need to stop hanging out with Molly on work nights, you got too LIT for a Tuesday night. How're you going to get through today?"

Friend 2: idk but man you can bet I'll still be fucking lit all day long. "too lit", there's no such thing.

by Rebecca Laba May 18, 2016


A word that millenials use for "cool".

Bob: "Ayyy man did you go to that party last night? I heard it was the bomb!"

Brad: "Yea bro it was lit!"

by LexiOLexi August 17, 2022


A term in CSGO meaning an enemy is down a certain amount.

"Rush A, he's lit 90!"

by Xengon April 6, 2017


A past tense for providing light or lighting yet is a cringy way to describe something fun or exciting.

Cringy Person: Wow that party was lit, I got so much swag!
Normal Person: Stop using lit like that you faggot.

by ThugontheInterwebs July 13, 2017


When something is fun or tight

Tim- was the dance hype or nah
Amy- yo it was lit

by Dim gut April 21, 2017


Having fun,partying,with the crew,hanging out, beings with the friends

Yooo that party was lit

by Ryanthatsright March 3, 2018


Something awesome, epic or amazing.

The new gym I joined was lit!

by CalieB March 31, 2017