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log ride

when a guy cums on someone's chest then shits on the jizz and watches it slide down.

damn she is sexy; she looks like she would enjoy the log ride.

by deseanj January 24, 2011

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Butt Log

A peice of extraordinarily brown poop

The Butt Log hung out of the window sill, wanting to jump out and end his sad little poopy life

by Sam June 11, 2002

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Yule log

A log that has been carved to resemble a penis - male sex organ- in the pagan worship of Saturnalia (Now know as Christ's mass) - for the GOD of excess & fertility GOD YULE.
The log is set to burn for 7 day's of the celebration with sometimes human sacrifices in this food, drink & sex (Homo-sexual encounters allowed) orgy, on the darkest days of the year in the winter- The only day master becomes slave- slave becomes master.

Peter asked "Is that a Yule log in your pocket- long, round, hard, & on fire...or are you just happy to see me or both..."
Dick said "Yes- would you like to worship it cause if I side it into your man holes...it will burn for 7day's- it wouldn't splinter and you better be clean cause I don't want the (Shit end) of the stick after..."

by Zuczerman December 21, 2011

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log fucking

when you stick a frozen poop in a freezer for 2 hours and take it out, wrap it in saran wrap and insert it into your ass.

hey eric the log is ready get the saran wrap and lube and rope so we can hold andy down and give him a log fucking

by solly86 September 22, 2008

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Linkin Log

1. Taking a giant shit, in the form of a log.

2. The act of sodomizing someone with a pizza log.

1. I just dropped a Linkin Log, man, the toilet's backed up.

2. And then I gave her the Linkin Log, as she told me to go down on her.

by LinkinBlogger October 24, 2014

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Linkin Log

When a man puts his penis between two other peinses, moving back and forth, then ejaculates, similar to titty fucking.

Last night my boyfriend had a friend come over. We had some drinks and decided to Linkin Log with each other. My boyfriend, Dillon and his friend Will, laid beside each other, erect, then I slid my penis between there's until I came.

by Jewlz&Woody July 15, 2020

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Anal Log

the opposite of a sneaky shit just like a big ol plop plop boom boom down into the bowl just the loudest fattest shit you ever seen

'oi mate gonna take a shit brb'
'yea bet sneaky shit ?'
'nah mate anal log'
'fuck save some for me daddy'

by sneakyshitguzzler376 March 2, 2022

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