Source Code

choad master

Someone who has mastered sucking choads

Nick Cline from longmeadow, massachusetts is the ultimate choad master.

by cookie stealer April 23, 2003

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Question Master

The assignment to discretely ask questions to apposing players in the drinking game kings that is assigned when a Queen is drawn. If the question is responded to with anything but a question, a drink is taken by the unfortunate victim.

I drew a Queen, what does that mean?

It means your the Question Master, you have to ask people questions and if they answer then they have to drink.

Take a drink....bitch.

by JayRose July 24, 2011

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edge master

A person who is very edgy.

Bobby hill:Your very edgy dude.
Eli Jones:I'm an edge master?

by Ninjafames March 11, 2016

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The Masters Chair

A multiple homosexual sex act in which one man sqauts on anothers penis with many others looking on.

Man 1: Come and take a seat on The Masters Chair.
Man 2: Why Not.

by Kim Mitten April 12, 2007

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Master Googler

Someone who has superior skills at searching on Google, ie gets more accurate results compared to regular people.

I'm telling you, this guy is totally a Master Googler.

by thecuddlefish July 14, 2011

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Master Bog

The person in Runescape that is most likely to be killing you via a Godsword.

Damn, Master Bog just killed me again.

by DanCro09 June 12, 2009

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chicken master

One who takes pride in leading feeble men, the losing general in a short war

Man, that guy is one serious chicken master

by chickenmaster March 24, 2007

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