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a bunch of suburban kids who have it good turn every little "hiccup" into their life
a melodrama. all emo's are the same and are all conformists, even though they hate conformists. How does supporting major clothing stores, ex.Hot Topic, make you a non-conformist? Also there is no difference from the, so-called "real" emo's from the "fake" emo's, it looks like shit, smells like shit, you know the rest. It's all the same.


Top: tight black horizontally stripped sweater w/ a scarf, i guess the luxury of breathing is something they're willing to sacrifice.

Jeans: as tight as they can get, usually from their little sisters closet or the women's department, funny because their's 2 emo's at my school who have developed testicular cancer..think they need to loosen up their jeans.

Hair: Long black asymmetrical greasy haircut covering the left or right eye, the ability to see is compromised for "style".

Shoes: usually Chuck Taylor's with their favorite band written on the white part.

Cheer up emo kid, it's not that bad

by Billy F'n Mayo July 14, 2008

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Closely related to Immature. Can be defined as to be the worst possible kind of social status yet impressiveley illustrious.

Basic signs of being emo include:

1. Wearing of clothes from the opposite sex(preferably tight and black)

2. Listening to noise (what they call music) that includes no musicality at all.

3. In some cases, same sex smooches. (Females smooches are hot) Males on the other hand, NOT COOL and TOTALY GAY.

4. They deal with their problems in a very immature manner by cutting (They also say that cutting means coolness) and making compositions/poems and other stuff that wont even pass as reading materials for children.

5. Actually you don't need signs to know what emos look like or wher they are, they are almost anywhere including hell (heaven is off-limits to emos, even Satan hates them but he managed to find a deep hole in hell to keep them away from real people that died).

6. If your reading this and your emo, don't be offended. What you are reading is the real world outside yours.

The world needs the anti-emo version of Hitler...

by chad3225698 August 29, 2007

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-Choppy black hair that is always in their eyes
-Heavy eyeliner
-Ultra tight/Ripped pants
-Scars on their wrists/arm/thigh
-They complain about the world and themselves
-Needs a reality check

-Choppy black hair that is always in their eyes
-Wears makeup
-Wears tight girl pants
-They cry into their hair
-Scars on their wrists/arm/thigh
-They complain about the world and themselves
-Needs a reality check

Emo Boy: "I hate my life."
Emo Girl: "I hate my life more. Lets cut ourselves and cry together. Then take pictures and put them on myspace."

by jetplanes July 18, 2006

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The act of cutting off ones genetals (balls), and then comsuming (drinking) ones tears after the act. After the act is complete, in most casess tragically, bad music is created.

"Whats up with you dude, you've been acting weird lately?"
"well i really like black, mullets and other akward haircuts, piecings, and terrible music that makes me wanna cut myself. i don't know whats wrong."
"Ahh, i see i see. I think i kno the problem, ure turning emo."
"Ooo, well i guess i better cut off my balls, i wont need those anymore."

by Nockturnal January 11, 2008

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let me get ONE thing straight here: the word "emo" is NOT A NOUN!!!
let me say it again... ITS NOT A NOUN! its an ADJECTIVE!


oh and btw...
the pants are not girl pants, they're made for guys.
not all of us cut ourselves.
not all of us sit sobbing all night.
no, not all girls like football captains.
and NO, we are not retarded.
not all of us come from the suburban middle class
some of us are perfectly normal, happy people who happen to wear black, enjoy pain, and have our hair over our eyes.

i think i'll go post something mean about jocks.

"that person is an emo" is incorrect.
"that person is emo" is correct.

by defender of all things emo September 11, 2006

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Okay, so there are two very different definitions for the label 'emo'.

First version (usually used by non-emos): Emos are attention seekers who live regular lives like every other teenager in Britain but cannot handle the strain as well as everyone else. They say that they are individuals, yet listen to ‘emo music’, hang out in ‘emo groups’ and buy ‘emo clothes’ with their pocket money. They hang out in dark rooms generally ignoring the happy things in life and talk about how depressed they are all the time. Most lie about cutting themselves in order for people to feel sorry for them without actually experiencing any pain at all. Others do it as an ‘initiation’ ceremony in order to become fully emo. ‘Cutting’ is a fad – what on earth does it help? You feel sad, so you cut yourself to make you feel… better? They don’t appreciate what they have, and do not realise how bad other peoples' lives are in comparison to their own. Emo is just an ever-increasingly popular ‘group’ which people want to be part of. It is a group for kids without an identity, looking for a bit of melodrama and ‘deeper levels of understanding’. To be honest, the kids who REALLY have a life not worth living aren’t even in the emo club – they just try to get through each day until it gets better.

Second version (usually used by TRUE emos – i.e. those who actually have a reason to be depressed): Kids who have had the misfortune to go through circumstances which are incredibly depressing. For example, parental divorce, death of a loved one, and loneliness. They listen to music which explains how they feel, enjoy hanging around with people who understand how they feel, and buy clothes that express to the world about how they feel. Only some kids cut themselves. Cutting can become addictive, and it distracts from the inner pain. It can be hard when youre labelled in the street because of what you wear, and can sometimes make depression worse. Being a ‘half-emo’ can also mean that you just like black and emo clothes and haircuts, and enjoy gigs and mosh pits. Some people that you like because theyre genuinely nice people, could be emo, and fun to hang around with.

Nearly every single teenager has wanted some form of attention or feeling of belonging at some time or other, and being emo could be the solution to some. Don’t hate people because of what they are labelled. Get to know them – they may be more like you than you think.

Person: 'Hey dude, look over there, some damn emos with their black hoodies and weird hair... jeez man theyre such attention seekers'
Friend: 'Err... you own a black hoodie, and all they've done is grown their hair long, man.'
Person:'Umm... oh be quiet, fool'

Cheerleader:'Oh my god, that girl is like, SOO weird - she is like, always DEPRESSED and shit!'
Friend:'Weren't you crying on the phone to me the other night because your boyfriend dumped you? You seemed pretty depressed then...'
Cheerleader:'Oh shuttup'

by abi_yeah April 20, 2007

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Oh gosh, where to begin.

Emos say that emo isn't what we all know it means.

Emo may have at one point, been emotive hard core, but since language evolves with the times, emo has come to mean a bunch of people who are antidisestablishmentarians, but in doing so, simply give in to the zeitgeist by becoming one with it. Please make a note of it.

I'm Emo, but I don't wear black. Gosh, don't generalize me. Ooh! Hot Topic has new Tim Burton stuff, I gotta get there so that all of my friends will think I'm SOO xXcoreXx. Well, tata my lovelies, I need to go write a poem in free verse.

by xXcoreXx-the-emoest-of-them-all-xXcoreXx May 20, 2008

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