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The small bumps on a woman’s areola that look like little mini-nipples. The scientific name for sub-nipples is glands of Montgomery, or Montgomery’s tubercles.

I love a tit that has those sub-nipples on the areola.

by Pony Danza April 13, 2022

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Nipple Shitter

A person who has a knack for defecating on a person's perky nipples. Possibly during intimacy.

A person who is such a huge bull shitter that it makes your nipples pop.

Last night, I found out Stacy's mom is a nipple shitter.

Wow, I couldn't believe what the diarrhea bullshit that was coming out of their mouth. John, you are the biggest granny nipple shitter of all time.

by Mongacarta December 20, 2009

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Joggers nipple

To recieve a short term iritation to the nipples by rubbing on material or carpets!

Joggers nipple he took me from behind in the lexus and my nips rubbed so much on the seat I got "joggers nipple", twat dot com

by server room ho October 15, 2008

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Nipple Hair

Hair on ur nipples lawl

Guy 1 : Aw man, I just grew some nipple hair.

Guy 2 : I'll clip it with my teeth if you want.

Guy 1 : No homo dou rite?
Guy 2 : Yea sure, whatever you want.

by TheOGDefinerOfWords March 9, 2016

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Nipple haze

The area surrounding the nipple, also known as the areola.

"Her top was so low, that she was beginning to show some nipple haze."

by kyle1450 October 17, 2009

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pepperoni nipples

nipples that are too large for the breast. a ratio of too big a nipple to too small of a handful or boob= pepperoni nipple. Another formula for telling whether one has pepperoni nipples or not is how much of the front of the breast is covered by nipple. If it's a large portion, she's got pepperoni nipples.

"Yo, you know that chick in our class with the nice rack? Yeah dude, she's got pepperoni nipples."

by piefreak54 January 24, 2012

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Innie Nipples

A rare condition wherein the nipples, instead of extending away from the body, retract into the body. This condition can be cured by coaxing the nipples out using either a pinch or cold object. This is similar to an innie bellybutton except it takes place on the chestal section.

GOOD GOD! J-Laudy has innie nipples! PUT THEM AWAY!!!

by B-Wardy October 30, 2006

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