in reference to the fiber supplement Metamucil that is sold as powdered drink mixes, capsules and wafers in a variety of flavors. Metamucil contains psyllium seed husks as the active ingredient. It is manufactured in Phoenix, Arizona, by Procter & Gamble.1 When first marketed to consumers in 1974, Metamucil was marketed as a laxative. The advertising slogan at that time was "If not nature, then Metamucil". Procter & Gamble sought to make Metamucil a household name by advertising in magazines and on television, using the claim "All fiber is not created equal".2 The target group was older people who are more likely to suffer from constipation.
I've been constipated for a week, I need to get back on that orange thunder
A description for a human with an abnormally large noggin. This phrase was used in the Mike Myers film “So I Married an Axe Murderer” by mr McKenzie to describe his son william’s head.
By God look at that kids head, it’s like an orange on a toothpick it is!
Hey Blume, did you hear about the orange corvette? Better go put on your headset
Dude! Did you hear Josh was caught watching Orange Netflix in class?
when you get a note on your sandwich bag saying "not today" then all your orange peels fall out. from -A
oh shoot, orange peeels
When you give Donald Trump a hand job before his spray-on-tan dries.
Why do you have orange hands?
Because I needed a favor from the President.
Word to describe an innocent female that has either recently or secretly been hooking up with someone. Called an orange neck because she doesnt know how to use foundation to cover a hickey properly so her neck is orange
Girl A“Oh my god did you see Kim today at school?”
Girl B“Omg yes! She was totally trying to cover up those hickeys”
Girl A “She is such a sweet little Orange Neck!”