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Petting volcano

A cute little volcano totally not menacing and so cute and sweet that people come from around the globe to pet it, take pictures of it, cook hot dogs on it and feed it drones. Such adorable little volcanoes are usually only found in southwestern iceland.

I fancy a trip to iceland to see the fagradalsfjall. It is such a nice petting volcano

by Lava lady August 10, 2022

media pet

someone who follows and believes whatever the media says and backs it up using little to no research and biased judgement.

A: Did you read that kids post on twitter?
B: Yea. He's such a media pet

by kimb5 July 7, 2014

area 51 pet

it’s a pet you got from area 51, (nickname)

who’s that? oh her that’s rosy my grrgrrbear and my area 51 pet

by keylalc August 11, 2019

Cougar's pet

A much younger male in search or preferring a much older woman.

The only reason he's with that old Lady is because he's a Cougar's Pet.

by Silent_Voice_In_The_Dark February 22, 2021


A fictional animal from ratchet and clank

Need a partner for tag? Why not the proto-pet?

Up for some cops and robbers
Billy: HELP!!! Police!!!

by Bawston69 November 8, 2019

aqua pet

When you have sex in the shower.

boy: baby lets take a shower.
girl: okay. *wink*
*10 min later*
boy: you an aqua pet when you do that

by sexxyygirl699 December 29, 2011

Pet insurance

Asking your partner if they have pet insurance for their pussy because they’ll need it after getting it smashed

Hey sweetie do you have pet insurance because your going to need it after I smash your pussy tonight

by Lover not a fighter June 19, 2022