A maximum security prison sometimes referred to as "Monster Mansion." Holds some extremely sick bastards such as Mark Bridger, Robert Maudsley, Thomas Hughes and in the past Dr Harold Shipman and Levi Bellfield. Most of which are serving life long and all are serving lengthy sentences. Why? Let's not even go there, the newspapers will have covered it no doubt.
You wouldn't want to get banged up at Wakefield Prison, there are some sick bastards in there!
When a man takes Picante sauce packets or plain salsa and covers another inmates asshole before pounding it
I’m glad they started giving us salsa with meal time, I saved mine to make prison salsa last night.
The type of person who gets locked up in a "smart prison" is a smart prisoner.
Smart prisoners conversation between the law and the hard place:
Constable: "son, you're off to a smart prison."
Human being and offender: "am I that intelligent?"
A Prison Pen is a form of improvised writing instrument, which is achieved when one defecates just enough to extend past the buttocks and holds it there. The extended fecal matter is then used as a writing device in a manner similar to that of a mechanical pencil.
Person 1: Our boat is destroyed! How are we going to send an SOS?
Person 2: well there's a large rock face over there, we could use our Prison Pens
Person 1: I hate you so f**king much. If we starve I'm eating you first.
An abused rectum that has been subject of excessive poundings. Possibly by more than one person at a time.
"Hey, I got a date with that barista!"
"Yo dude, I heard she's prison bottomed"
Book Prison - n. library or place which houses an undefinable number of literary works.
"Are you studying tonight?"
"Yeah, meet me in the Book Prison"
The process in which Jerome forces himself onto a fellow inmate and preforms gay sex.
Did you hear that Jerome gave Nick the prison treatment in B-Block?