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sad trombone

Function: noun

1. Describes the sound made by a trombone to illustrate a depressing statement, action, or moment. "Wah waah". Pioneered on the SNL skit Debbie Downer.

Tad: Bjorn, did you show Nell those pictures of your new kitten?
Bjorn: I don't think so. Nell, would you like to see the pictures I have of Sir Fluffles?
Nell: Oh, Bjorn, I can't bear to look at pictures of cats -- they only make me think of watching my own Mr. Snowflake waste away due to the effects of Feline Leukemia.
Tad: Wow... sad trombone!

by Alana Post September 30, 2005

119πŸ‘ 578πŸ‘Ž

sad panda

A mysterious person dressed in a detailed panda costume who frequently hangs out at Bowling Green in NY. He is also known to travel throughout the subways and was also spotted in Times Square.

Because his head is usually hung low, he is called "Sad Panda" by many.


Guy 1: "The Sad Panda is hanging near the Charging Bull again. Tourists are taking pictures with him."

Guy 2: "That panda looks so depressed. What's his deal?"

by whoishe? May 31, 2009

136πŸ‘ 677πŸ‘Ž

Sad Bunny

def cum on both sides of girls face take off socks and apply socks will hang down thus creating the sad bunny

She wouldn't give so after she went to bed I gave her a sad bunny.

by gotugood March 28, 2010

4πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Sad Kathy

A state of the almighty Kathy where she is not in her typical Happy Kathy state of mind. This mood is usually brought out from her unique dropkick of a son. The Kathy Effect is not present during the presence of this state of Kathy.

"I'm not experiencing the Kathy Effect right now"
"Well Nectar is here, must be a Sad Kathy moment"

by thebigbaron October 14, 2020

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Sad Road

A happy trail coming out of the ass.

Ewww! That guy has such a long sad road.

by Talora August 30, 2008

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Sad Puppy

When your stomach overlaps your pants, but it’s still cute

I ate way too much food, my sad puppy is showing through

by Smart-ass14 March 20, 2018

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

what a sad

when a movie so sad you are like wot a sad

movie:someone dies
jim: what a sad

by what a sad guy October 6, 2019

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