Source Code

Bad Man

A word of Jamaican/ rastafarian descent used to describe an individual who goes against the grain of society and/or politics. Is often used to describe gangstas as well.

Mi bredrin, dem man dem a bad man!! Ya dun know!

by illGreg August 24, 2005

364๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž

Day Man

Day Man is a fictional character from a song created on the television series "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia". Day Man is the champion of the sun, he is a master of karate and friendship for everyone. He is also the arch nemmesis and fighter of the Night Man

Dorothy: Have you heard of the Day Man
JB: Hell's yeah girl, he's the fighter of the Night Man, he's a master of karate and friendship for everyone!

by Brock Heron October 18, 2007

734๐Ÿ‘ 146๐Ÿ‘Ž

man nap

n. A nap which entails finding the smallest, most uncomfortable space possible and then taking a nap in that space.

What is he doing in that kitchen cabinet? Taking a man nap.

by CCCCCCCCCC May 4, 2005

583๐Ÿ‘ 114๐Ÿ‘Ž

Man the Harpoons

When you pass by an obese chick, "Man the Harpoons" is the phrase you use. Because, oh man, that whale is huuuuuge.

"Holy crap...that chick is a freakin' whale..."

by Well_it's_true April 8, 2010

98๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


The G-Man is Gordon's boss and stalker. He is a grunt gray suited man that keeps an eye on Gordon everywhere he goes. Nobody knows if he is an enemy or an ally.

Locations of the G-Man:
1. Point Insertation: Talking to you before you get in train.
2. "A Red Letter Day": On Kleiner' monitor.
3. Route Kanal: In the Citizen's Boxcar's TV.
4. Water Hazard: On the pier of Station 7.
5. Water Hazard: On the broken Combine monitor.
6. Water Hazard: On the bocany at the second level with the Airboat's cannon.
7. Water Hazard: After the Chopper battle, on the way to the dam control.
8. "We Don't Go To Ravenholm...": Behind some train cars.
9. Highway 17: Threw the Combine Scope at the second house with the thumper, seen talking to Odessa Cubbage.
10. Nova Prospkt: On the first Combine security monitor, flip the swich 2 times.
11. Adicitizen One: On the TV in the destroyed familer building.
12. Adicitizen One: On the monitor the Citizens are pulling down.
13. Dark Energy: Talking to you after portal got destroyed.
14. Undue Alarm: Captured by the Vortigaunts.
15. This Vorial Coil: Talking to you, while Vorts heal Alyx.
16. Freeman Phonex: On the bridge at the second level.
17. Under The Radar: Going inside White Forest Inn.
18. Our Mentel Feind: On the monitor where Mossman's video held.
(That is it intill Episode Three)

by Mega Sean 45 June 18, 2008

134๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

brawny man

A lumberjack of epic power and unequaled greatness. A decendent of mighty pirates kings of old. A follower of Odin and Thor, the Norse gods of war,thunder,and kickassness. Able to chop down entire forests and process them into paper towels in a single day. He wears plaid all the time except for the occasonal Hawaiin shirt when he is feeling festive. He frequently consorts with Valkeries,housewives,and the occansional quarter whore.

Highly attractive housewife: I just wish i had some paper towels.
Brawny Man: Here are some towels mam.
Highly attractive housewife: That plaid makes me dizzy, oh i feel faint..
Brawny Man: Sorry, you aren't my type...maybe if you were naked and painted blue. You don't except quarters do you?

by Swedish Bob December 8, 2006

54๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

man cold

The name 'man cold' disguises the true terrible, debilitating disease that is the man cold. Nearly all men will die from man colds unless they are administered immediately with large amounts of mindless TV such as daytime TV, or childrens' cartoons. It is essential that they not move from bed or a comfy sofa to allow for rehabilitation, and must have tissues and man cold medicine (such as chocolate biscuits, McDonalds, or a nice cup of tea) brought to them constantly by a nearby female.

'Either i have meningitus, end stage brain cancer, or a man cold'

by j11119999 January 23, 2006

1415๐Ÿ‘ 295๐Ÿ‘Ž