A group of kids who vape together. This typically takes place in High School bathrooms.
There's a vape group in the bathroom.
Best Online discussion groups are located on websites and allow users to type in messages to communicate with one or more people.
Google, Yahoo!, and Facebook are the most popular software platforms for creating best online discussion groups. All will have comparable features, such as the ability to submit discussion topics, allow participants to respond and offer new questions, and send a mass email to all members. Some will offer document sharing and photo uploading, so think about where you want the group to go before choosing a software platform.
A bulletin board/forum system or a live chat system can be used to facilitate Best online discussion groups. The key difference between the two is that the former does not require all contributors to be present at the same time, whereas the latter must, as messages are transmitted instantly as they are typed and entered, using Java.
"keep your shit together" or "regroup your poop"
Hey, Marty hang in their buddy, keep your poop grouped.
A nude picture of multiple people, hence the word group
hey girl, send some group nudes
A girl/woman that has had sex with all/most of her male friends
a: have you had sex with Cindy yet?
b: of course i have she's the group-condom
Group Chat Theory is the unofficial theory that all big non-work group chats follow a set structure:
1. A group chat is created that’s just you and your close friends for actual discussion and funny conversations, and all is well and good
2. Your friend eventually insists on adding their friends that you either don’t know or don’t like, but they’re eventually added in, even if you do try to prevent it
3. Those friends either immediately cause chaos, or will just start adding THEIR friends too. Now the group chat is full of randos that are 99% of the time unfunny rude dickheads.
4. Those randos then quickly devolve the chat into the following:
- Bulling someone
- Arguing about beef between each other you either don’t know or don’t care about
- Fill the chat with shitposts instead of actual discussion
- Spam unfunny and illegal shit like gore, porn, drug dealing or more cause they think it’s cool. This then leads to a “Group Chat got leaked…” situation, where the group chat gets leaked to the police or the public, and said unfunny, criminal randos either run away and escape, inevitably to cause another Group Chat Theory in the future, or get caught by authorities and arrested.
5. All of this continues until the group chat meets its metaphorical breaking point, and is either abandoned (otherwise known as a “Dead chat”) or deleted by the owners/taken down by the police.
“Bro that group chat fell off, everybody’s just being a dickhead on there, we should create a new one”
“Yeah bro, that’s literally Group Chat Theory”
“Jesse what the fuck are you talking about.”
when you have sexual relations with your partners
i was lampin, then she came over so we was group lampin