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A closed-minded rude bigoted disgraceful bastard that hates on the lgbtq+ and people of color communities

I was attacked on youtube by a bunch of clowns and republicans

by Angei163 December 4, 2020


A) A really stupid person who thinks they are owning the system by being racist and hating gay people instead of the CEO’s and billionaires that are actually causing the downfall of society.

B) A really cool person that hates unelected dictators and cosplayers.

I’m a republican I think the government is run by Jewish homosexuals that are trying to implement Marxism. Despite this I love Israel.

King Charles is a poopy head.

by Cats&dogsoveromingdifferences June 1, 2024


Idiot who doesn't know anything about politics

I has a republican believe in the worship of our glorious orange leader donald trump

by Zxcvnm February 26, 2021


Ha ha democrats point to Iran.

Republican- Point to Iran

Democrat- What's an Iran

by Jiffery July 6, 2021



"i'm a republican"

"oh I'm sorry I didn't know you were clinically stupid"

by bigoltiddielover August 1, 2022


(In Ireland) Someone who wants the republic of Ireland to merge with Northern Ireland, thus creating one big state.

"I was born as a real Irish, in the Republic of Ireland, so of course I am a republican"

by thefogiscomingthefogiscoming August 3, 2022


One of the two main political parties of the USA, catering to alt-right policies and beliefs, In other words, retards

The new mayor of town caters to republicans, he’s a fuckin retard and should be shot

by Booty stealer August 8, 2022