A term that refers to a male version of a “mistress.”
A man who engages in a relationship with someone who is taken.
“Did you hear that Brad is hooking-up with John Smith’s wife? He’s a real Pinky Steve”
A pretty cool , goofy, smart, funny, charming, friend you could ever ask for. From Stayton Oregon. He can ride a BMX bike like a pro despite being legally blind. He will fall in love quickly , take care of you at all costs, and be your main side kick when ever you need him. He's an all around awesome dude!
Guy #1- "Steve-O can't see shit, how the f$#k does he ride his BMX bike so well?"
Guy #2- " idk but I'm kinda jealous of him!"
Australian/American slang for smoking weed developed in England
Hey man, what are you doing tonight?
I'll probably be chilling with Steve.
Aw sick man, can come with you?
Ya homie that sounds dank
A person who frequently blows Gaggers. has a tendency to leave work early when dealers wake up. When using restroom leaves residue.. hopeless addicted to cocaine.
You need to go to rehab.. you are pulling a sniffing steve
A Red Steve is the type of person who pretends to be very left wing. He truly cares so much for the planet that he owns at least 2 cars (one of which must be a gas guzzling SUV) and drives to work.
You just pretend to care. You are such a Red Steve
A really great guy. Sensitive but tries to hide it. Intuitive leader. Passionate about causes. Reasonably handsome. Misunderstood. Kind hearted, decent. His only flaws are jealous workers and women who can't control him, spread half-truths to ruin his character. People take him for a sucker cuz he's so nice, but he's not that naive. He just doesn't let on how much he knows. He loves deeply and is mistaken for lovebombing, but really just looking for a soulmate. Carefully weighs best course as new information comes to light but stands by his strong moral code. He can't be bought, hates injustice. Doesn't consider himself a womanizer, has only had a few loves in his lifetime. Waits for the right partner to come up and say hi and is afraid of being accused of harassment. Suffers the blunt of other people's blunders and is often discredited as a result. A Jerry or a Tremain with a touch of Einstein, smidgen of Mr. Darcy. Your protector. Can't handle surprises until he gets to know you and gets spooked easily. Will lie to survive, but is not who he is. Naturally a great guy, but awkward socially.
Everyone wishes they were like a Steve Rogers, but don't have the character to be like him or go through what he did.
Steve Gacoub, some random dude in the friend group who gets bullied.
Hey, Steve Gacoub is here, he's such a fucking nerd!