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shooting up the club

When a male ejaculates inside a female unprotected and unintentionally.

I accidentally shot the club up with Allison last night. I'm used to shooting up the club. No shame in shooting up the club.

by yung dori February 9, 2015

61๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Shooting the club up

Ejaculating into a person(s) and not pulling out.

I was fucking Suzy and starting shooting the club up... She gone need a plan b.

by Dirtyanklesocks May 16, 2017

34๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

shoot my one

Shoot my one refers to asking someone to fight you.

Guy1: Insult
Guy2: Shoot my one


Guy1: Insult
Guy2: You ain't gone shoot my one.

by KxHacks December 2, 2012

28๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

poop shoot boogy

The act of a male having anal sex with a female while resting a 2' or taller water bong on the small of her back while taking a hit from the bong.

Yo I tagged this ho last night, did her dirty an gave her the poop shoot boogy!

by poopstick master January 22, 2011

to shoot so. a holler

to let so. know, to get back to so.

Shoot me a holler if you would like some help!

by Armnaxis November 28, 2004

shoot up the school

its used by emo fuckboys who wants to kill all the teachers cus they give dem homework.

person: yo dude wanna go to the mall?

person 2 : no im about to shoot up the school
person 3 : thanks my boi

by cockyler1 January 30, 2017

Two-shoot salute

When two military officers straddle a coffin during its lowering to salute and relieve their sexual juices.

Gary died last week. His brother Murray and father Paul we so kind and gave him a two-shoot salute.

by Dr Help October 31, 2021