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Positive singles

Someone who is tested positive for an STD and is single

Positive singles and dates by going to meetpositives.com

by Meet positives February 21, 2019

Pole position

The position of sitting on a man's cock (pole) while watching NASCAR

Hey baby you qualified first, you're sitting on the pole position for this race.

by Toenuts October 2, 2019

positive sum game

Any engagement, where both parties involved will benefit from the outcome.

Operating a small scale, sustainable micro green farm is a positive sum game. Everybody wins, the customer, the farmer, the planet

by spamii October 18, 2020

Cute Position

Pillow under arse, legs over shoulders. Shrink the fanny, better dicking.

This position is best enjoyed raw.
Cute by name, raw by nature.

By J.Cute

Hey Nick, have you tried the Cute Position?

by The Irish fuck February 15, 2019

The ripple effect of positivity

The ripple effect of positivity is not a new concept, the specific phrasing is a new phrase. The idea of a "ripple effect" has been widely discussed in various fields such as psychology, sociology, and even physics (where it refers to the spreading out of waves from a central point).

In the context of positivity, the ripple effect refers to how small acts of kindness, optimism, or gratitude can spread and inspire others. It's closely tied to the idea of "paying it forward" or the butterfly effect, which suggests that even small actions can have far-reaching consequences.

The phrase "ripple effect of positivity" draws upon common ideas in the domains of emotional and social contagion, where positive emotions or behaviors can spread similarly to how a ripple spreads in water

After reading the section "The Ripple Effect of Positivity, in the book, Endless Thanks," the team was inspired to show others how to implement the power of gratitude in their daily lives.

by JamArt ~Taking The Step Out January 17, 2025

armidillo position

When you stick the dick in upside down, and suck her nipple at the same time. Complicated, but you’ll figure it out 👌🏼

Me and my girl did the armidillo position, and it was lit.

by Position king December 2, 2017

Ovary Positive (O+)

A female who is born female and strictly identifies as female

Just so there is no confusion, my gender classification is ovary positive (O+).

by Granny2020 April 29, 2024