The best insult that anyone could ever use on someone.
1: Hey, what time is it?
2: Ur mom
1: Damn man you got me
A 13 year old boy thinks hes funny by saying that but he sounds 5
Jack: Ur mom HAHAHAH
Josh: not funny idoit
Person 1: Hey Person 2. Are you feeling good today?
Person 2: Iḿ feeling ur mom today
1. The ultimate come-back in an argument, "Ur Mom" can be used in many different ways, such as: Ur Mom is fat, Ur Mom is a hoe, Ur Mom is ugly, etc...
2. The fist living thing to have so much mass, it creates it's own gravitational orbit.
the worlds hottest women. the women all ur friends totally banged last night.
man 1: i smashed the HOTTEST chick last night
man 2: who?
man 1: ur mom ;)