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yo ho

A derogatory term for an Asian woman who dresses and/or behaves like a cheap prostitute.

Short for yellow whore.

"Man, yo ho right there. Free STDs."

by KRF March 15, 2005

17πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

yo mama

mostly a joke aboat someones mom

yo mama is so poor she told your little sister that santa clause is dead.

yo mama is so poor when someone put out the cigarate in the house they said who turned off the heat.

yo mama is like the pills dairy dough boy every one wants to poke her.

yo mama is like a brick wall she is always getting laid.

yo mama is so fat even rickerd simones laughs at her.

by Evan January 28, 2004

14πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


A person who is unable to stay for an extended period of time in silent study areas of university libraries.

Helen is a yo-yoer.

by Shkorf January 29, 2011

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

trophies yo

Usually typed in higher case to exemplify the yelling of the phrase, TROPHIES YO was a term coined by Hilden of the Drunken Gamers Radio podcast (also known as the Drunken Robotic Team Fremont of Panicked Gamers Live). Whenever one talks about trophies in regards to the PlayStation Network's achievement system, it is best to alter the utterance accordingly.

"And you can get gold, bronze or silver TROPHIES YO!!!!"
"TROPHIES YO!!!" - Drunken Gamers Radio

by Space Bot May 1, 2009

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Yo Mamma

Of referred to as a diss, or a joke. It is commonly known that yo mamma is a funny thing to say.
But it shall not be taking lightly if some disses yo mamma and you get inbarrased then whatch out he/she has insulted your honor.

Yo mamma so poor she took the job at five nights at Freddy’s twice
Yo mamma so stupid she tried playing I got your nose WITH VOLDEMORT

by TimMasterTDM May 14, 2019

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

yo momma

basically used as a silly answer to a question u don't know the answer to. usually used to crack a joke despite the fact it might make no sense!

guy 1:"dude, ur small!"
guy 2:"yo momma's small!"

by jenn December 28, 2005

10πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Yo Mom

A bitch

You can't be like yo mom all the time Claire

by Oohmommmmmmy April 14, 2018

8πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž