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Purple Guy

1.A misunderstood poor soul who deserves another chance.

2.A friend who is creepy and shows signs of being purple guy

Purple guy is from fnaf
That person really seems like Purple guy

by Fuzzalishiess October 18, 2018

36👍 10👎

regular guy

A guy who is humble, down-to-earth, open and honest, easy to get along with, and generally well-versed about all the usual things people do. Someone who isn't power-hungry, arrogant, super competitive, insecure, or egotistical. A guy you'd want to have a conversation with about things like sports, fishing, camping, hard work, relationships, home repair, music, cars, movies, power tools, etc. A guy who will never embarrass you or cause problems socially and has nothing to prove.

Rodney Dangerfield's character in Caddyshack is rich and wild and probably hasn't picked up a drill in years, but he's still a regular guy. Same with Jackie Mason's character in Caddyshack 2!

You can talk to John about anything, he's a regular guy and won't judge you or talk shit.

Call John when we go shoot off fireworks--he'll love it, he's a regular guy like us!

by DGarb August 18, 2012

54👍 18👎

Guy Fawkes

The only man to enter Parliament with honest intentions.

And they burn his effigy for it. When Palestinians burn effigies of Bush, the media call it "barbarism". It's not even as if Britain was a fucking democracy at the time!

Real lesson of Guy Fawkes: watch out for snitches.

by Andy April 22, 2004

403👍 174👎

Cape Guys

good hearted, fisherman, alcoholics that live for their beer. Hate tourists but we encourage you to leave your daughters. Drive around with barefeet, no shirts, don't give a fuck attitude. Gentlemen in mind but scumbags at heart. Bonfires, a 6er, and a fishing pole. Our home is your vacation bitch.

Cape Guys are the shit that don't worry about time wasted. Only we are wasted.

by number24bitch December 29, 2005

87👍 32👎

nice guy

A young male who will give up countless hours of his time listening to the problems of his very attractive female friends because they need someone to talk to about their apathetic, Baywatch jock of a boyfriend because no one else will listen or genuinely care. Although always surrounded by beautiful girls the nice guy can’t get a girlfriend or even facilitate the alleviation of certain “drives” because his “ordinary” physical appearance will forever be compared to the Baywatch beach bum’s. The nice guy would never capitalize on a vulnerable girl, objectify or cheat on a girl, he will go out of his way and bend over backwards to help his “friends” and will never ask for anything in return but no matter how intelligent, understanding, humorous, compassionate, trusting or loyal the nice guy is the female cohort will always pass him up and endure any length of abuse, objectification, apathy and cold-heartedness from a man if he has physical attractiveness, fashion, big muscles and chiseled facial features.

The nice guy will eventually realize that his dependability and empathy will never be appreciated and all his friendships with females are all one-sided. This coupled with years of watching girls go for tanned, muscular jerk-offs with nice cars while he desperately hopes someone will realize that how viable he actually is will spawn and incubate the nice guy’s insecurities and he will eventually abandon his views, dumb-down his speech, take-up weight-lifting and switch majors from cancer research with a minor in theoretical physics to playground management so he can devote his time to emulating Baywatch characters and football players so that he will one day be viewed as more than a “nice guy.”

The nice guy will eventually work up the courage to ask out his attractive female friend but will invariably be turned down because she’s so self-centered that she’d never actually had a smidgeon of compassion for the nice guy’s feelings or even realized that he’s interested in girls. After rejecting the nice guy, the girl will downplay the supposed friendship to the point where they never speak again, which in turn will make the nice guy depressed (ironically, he won’t have anyone to talk to) because he’s devoted so much time and energy and has become so warped from being exposed to these kinds of people that he will either live the rest of his life alone in a tiny apartment, jerking off to old Saved by the Bell episodes or get drunk one night and impregnate a 300-pound, cross-eyed derelict who works at Wendy’s and spend the rest of his life being treated like shit.

The whole ‘nice guy’ phenomenon really supports the idea that people primarily care about physical appearances and that shrewdness, selfishness and narcissism will always triumph over compassion, rapport and “inner beauty.”

"Jeez Patrick, I hope I can find a nice guy like you someday."

"Well, if you need me I'll be at home, crying myself to sleep while masturbating to the sound of my 70-year-old neighbors having sex...I might also play some ps2."

by desperryado October 4, 2005

6963👍 3357👎


A guy who is quite simply, a cunt

Jimmy: that guy over there is a cunt

Robert: mate, mate, lets save time, lets call him a cunt-guy from this day forth rather than the guy who is a cunt

by Willis McGee July 19, 2006

28👍 8👎

An Australian guy

Some of the sexiest men on the world. Normally have a hot accent too.

Girl 1: I heard you got a new HOT boyfriend
Girl 2: Yeah he's An Australian Guy. He has an acccent. Jealous?
Girl 1: Hel yeah!

by kdjlfu December 6, 2008

56👍 19👎