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Winning Personality

Another way of calling someone ugly by saying that they’re not very good looking but they’re nice and have a good personality.

Ashley: what do you think of Jack?

Sophie: He’s alright looking, he has a good personality though.

Ashley: he has a winning personality

by Deathcabforeli August 23, 2021

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personal reasons

n. The official reason your company gives for why people disappear after a reorganization.

dude 1: Did you hear Gary resigned for personal reasons?
dude 2: Yeah. They personally asked his sorry ass to get the hell out!

by rowrtay February 25, 2009

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Wall Person

A wall person is someone who has wholeheartedly accepted fascist propaganda into their heart. The "Wall" refers to what they'll be standing against when executed by firing squad.

A wall person has forfeited all but the most basic of human dignities: a cigarette, a blindfold, and a wall.

by Maximus Stirner June 8, 2023

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It's nothing personal

Exactly what it says, "nothing personal," don't get hurt but it just is what it means, you're going by your own logic and if that offends people you don't mind.

It's nothing personal Brooke but if you don't want to be in a relationship, I'm not going to waste my time being your not gay "gay best friend" that you just talk to about your feelings and then expect my support.

by Robotron 9000 May 11, 2020

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Person 14

Literally nobody, go home lmao. Will NEVER be used.

Person 1: lol imagine if there was a person 14
Person 2: ikr that would be nuts
Person 14:

by an extremely depressed bandu May 18, 2022

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Personal Space

What y'all must give to EXO in any place, anywhere, every damn time fml

Person 1: OMG! it's an EXO member I need totake a picture although he's surrounded by tons of fans and it'sobviously uncomfortable! *takes out phone*

Me, an intellectual: *slams phone* No, respect his personal space !

by Intellectual exol September 18, 2017

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fat person

Someone with a full gas tank.

"you see this kid *points to a largish kid* he's not fat, that's just the gas tank for his love machine"

by Harrison Reed May 29, 2004

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