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Scrub Lord

A girl who is always wrong but fully believes she’s right. She is a stupid dumb idiot who cheats to win games usually rigging games such as trivia crack to prove she’s smarter when in fact she is not. Has a delusional view of herself that’s she’s better than others

Gabby is a big time scrub lord when she makes fun of people for a low wordle score but than gets the exact same score

by Emswagmaster2000 April 28, 2024

scrub ass hoe

A hoe that is of far less quality than the regular hoe.

Why you with that scrub ass hoe, you could have at least brought Felicia.

by BIngals October 7, 2020


Someone who rides motorcycles

I went on a tinder date with this dude who I thought was a scrub until he said he rides motorcycles; he's definitely an anti-scrub

by garoppolofan916 December 26, 2022

aj scrub

A term projected by some guy.

***** aj scrub******

by Gayweed April 14, 2019

Scrub butt

Women nurses who wear scrubs that are tight around the hips to make their back side more voluptuous and rounder.

Dang girl... your scrubs are so fitting you got scrub butt.

by Adm14j February 28, 2019

slut scrub

A cleansing which includes a lavage of the sex organ(s), particularly post sexual intercourse.

Just got done, that bitch gon need a good slut scrub before you use her

by Sjizzy July 8, 2015

Scrub Master

The art of mastering being a dickhead and screwing everything up.

Damnit that scrub master is ruining are party.

by WordsDontLie June 5, 2017