Someone trashy who is being used.
Ugh, Becky is such a human bin. Did you see her with Bob the other night?
Slash bin = toilet
"Hold up a minute pal im off to the slash bin"
"Whats that"
"Its the toilet mush"
A ugly Asian person. Thinks he all that. Will roast the crap out of you. Sometimes can be cute. Has good grades. Some girls want nim.
Girl : omg you know that guy Sheng bin is so hot
Girl 2: ew
another name for najimi osana from komi cant communicate.
a: "i want to suck osana bin lajimi"
b: "chedda bob this is the fourth time you've said that"
another way of saying osana najimi from komi can't communicate.
a: "bro d'you think osana bin lajimi is just tryin to pull a prank?"
b: "ah fuck that explains everything"
a: "damn i kinda wanna suck that bitch's dick now"
A bin raider is a person who digs or rifles through a trash or garbage receptacle in order to discover or find something of value to them, whatever it may be. Could also be similar to a dumpster diver, or a bin diver.
You know that girl Sophie came up on a flatscreen TVs and an iPhone 10 last night digging through the garbage behind the apartments! She’s always found stuff that’s worth money being a bin raider.
Granny bin is like where someone dumps the oldies at so they don't have to wipe their asses anymore
A nursing home or refered to as the granny bin in slang (mainly Australian or British)