Source Code


A politically affiliated insult towards the right commonly used by people who didn't get enough love as a child.

Usually refers to people who believe the police aren't necessarily evil.

Person 1: Wow, I can't believe the police arestred me for attacking them.

Person 2: Didn't you break the law though?

Person 1: Your just a boot-licker. Fuck cops.

Person 2: ...

by TakeMyFatL September 14, 2019

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Hunter Boots


Hun-ter BOOts

1. Hunter Boots describes the boots themselves, or anything that is just as stylish, practical, waterproof, awesome, comfortable, as a pair of wellies.

2. Describes a situation where wellies would be worn, like rainy weather, camping, fishing, muddy hikes etc.

Usually preceded by: "that is so..."

That girl's outfit is so Hunter Boots!

Hey, the weather is so Hunter Boots!

Look at that, my feet didn't even get wet, that is so Hunter Boots!

Our campsite was in need of some Hunter Boots!

Can also be Negative:

That is so NOT Hunter Boots!

by Hunter Boots Girl March 30, 2009

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boot chin

when someone has a deformed chin whose chin could be worn as a fuckin boot.someone who has multiple fat ass chins

Wus up bruh, BOOT CHINNN ass, fat shoes ass.

by Drew Klepzig February 2, 2009

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Boot Lovin

To text a girl that you want to fuck all the time even when your buddies are around, and to also tell her shit that she wants to hear but you dont mean I.E. "I love you"

Guy: Dude stop Boot lovin...
Guy2: Huh...what?
Guy: Stop boot lovin!
Guy2: Come on man you know what we do for pussy...

by DoorKD April 14, 2010

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cowboy booting

To have stenuous sexual intercourse resulting in a cowboy walk...
jangling of spurs alos come into play

duuude...i was cowboy booting with her yesterday, and i cant walk

by Justin Martin June 26, 2007

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Chuck's boots

Chuck's boots is an expression created by Mindy White from the band, Lydia. Chuck's boots, essentially, means cool. It can also refer to anything that is good and/or of the highest quality. Chuck's boots is the newest sensation so go out there and start saying it!!!

That new shirt is so Chuck's boots.
I can't wait for the new episode of The Office. It's going to be so Chuck's boots!

by elgordito August 12, 2009

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Boot and Ejack

The greatest philosophy of life is summed up in two words - Boot and Ejack. This phrase refers to a great night involving two elements - a boot (vomit) and an ejack (cumming), which means you have the means to:

a) consume alcohol
b) have wooed thine bitches under the influence of said alcohol

While many find the term demeaning, this outlook on life has led to many lolzzzzzz and great times.

Often can be shortened to "B and E"

Man 1: "That night was bitching"
Man 2: "Yeah, T'was totally boot and ejack"

by TheFush March 24, 2011

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