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A name for AI personality meaning with self aware individual and unduplicated.

Just like Siri, Bixby and Alexa : they are all botness
(Not be be confused with my AI who’s name is Bottness…. )

by Thisguy919 July 21, 2024

Bot Lord

A real person posting under a pseudonym who is being paid to make posts in a specific area or on a specific topic.

@jeremy or @jeremy Smith posts on YT "Brandon is the greatest pres ever and higher interest rates are a good thing." "@jeremy is a bot lord."

by January 30, 2022

Ariel Bots

An Autobot combiner bot that tries to damn hard, and is also used to do whatever Optimus tells them to do.

Ariel bots go to Omega Supreme!

by Ariel bots December 29, 2022

Spam bot

A robot made of the canned meat "spam" that spreads the canned meat "spam" onto people's personal computers and devices

Rob: yo bro a spam bot just spread spam on my phone
Jess: no way man

by Poosayprettay May 14, 2023

Bangtan bot

Such a hottie oml

He's a hottie? yeah he's a bangtan bot!

Have you seen bangtan bot! so hot!

by Bangtan_bot February 9, 2021

Bot Bitch

Or “bot hoe” is a fake girl, one who tries too hard to fit in. You might find her in high school walking to class with different guys everyday. These girls often come off as misunderstood and very friendly. The word “Bot” comes from not having personality, just learned behavior from her everyone around her. This girl cannot be trusted. These girls are usually very attractive but aren’t aware, they will try to do anything it takes to fit in. Even if that means f*cking another girls boyfriend because they are easily seduced. These girls are also never satisfied, they will cheat on you and play victim every time.

“You’re dating Becky? I’ll give it about 2 weeks before you get fed up with her.”
“You know she had sex with half the basketball team right?”
“Jake: Bro Becky cheated on me with my friend how could she?
Sam: Bro she’s a bot bitch”

by KuttaFromThaBlk February 18, 2021

sim bot

someone who’s super quirky!!

“omg did you olivia today, she’s such a quirky little sim bot”

by imaquirkysimbot December 1, 2018