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Brooke Holsten

Brooke Holsten is the most amazing friend you could have, shes funny, smart, amazing, gorgeus and more!

Brooke Holsten is my friend.

by Georgina sparkss November 6, 2020

Brooke Benjamin

A girl that is indescribable, but misjudged by many. Doubted by most including herself but never underestimate the doubt you have for her the outcome will always prove you wrong. A loving and reliable individual who cares deeply for anyone she loves. Has more talents than she knows and that will be pursued. a love for art, and an ear for music. A girl that has been though a lot in her past that has made her stronger along the way of life. Someone who has never considered herself perfect and has always thought more of others than herself. So many assumptions about her but not yet any answers. She doesn’t fit in with many not because she’s an Outkast but because they don’t fit in with her. She’s so unique and has her own way of doing everything, although that’s the reality she’s hard on herself instead and takes the blame for not being accepted by anyone. A girl that doesn’t think much of her looks but others definitely do. Goes with the flow and won’t stress unless she has too very easy going. If you have a Brooke Benjamin keep her she’s worth a lot.

She’s so Brooke Benjamin

by Eternalxternal February 5, 2023

Brooke Benjamin

A girl that is indescribable, but misjudged by many. Doubted by most including herself but never underestimate the doubt you have for her the outcome will always prove you wrong. A loving and reliable individual who cares deeply for anyone she loves. Has more talents than she knows and that will be pursued. a love for art, and an ear for music. A girl that has been though a lot in her past that has made her stronger along the way of life. Someone who has never considered herself perfect and has always thought more of others than herself. So many assumptions about her but not yet any answers. She doesn’t fit in with many not because she’s an Outkast but because they don’t fit in with her. She’s so unique and has her own way of doing everything, although that’s the reality she’s hard on herself instead and takes the blame for not being accepted by anyone. A girl that doesn’t think much of her looks but others definitely do. Goes with the flow and won’t stress unless she has too very easy going. If you have a Brooke Benjamin keep her she’s worth a lot.

She’s so Brooke Benjamin.

by Eternalxternal February 5, 2023

Saxon brooks

Saxon brooks has smegma and is very bad at seige, Saxon likes to banana pie Stethoscopes

Sam's broken foot seems to be pretty Saxon brooks right now man

by Rip Sam's foot December 7, 2024

kasia brooke's

the fittest gal on the planet is in love with jude

example : kasia brooke's is just like you you are both so pretty

by judemcsus January 6, 2022

hanna brook

hanna brook a girl who at times despises her own name due to everyone calling her at times hanna or brook. She also hates when others add an 'h' to the end of hanna and a 'e' to the end of brook. She is very stubborn, controlling, persistant, hyper, and inattentive. But when it comes down to it she is a great friend to have and will always have your back!!

Oh goodness, what did hanna brook do this time?

by Dynamicroad July 3, 2015

Brook Soso

The cutest queer you have ever seen, a character in Orange is the new black. A strong, bold, opinionated woman- she has had some tragic moments, but she will always push through.

Fan 1: Brook Soso is so underrated!
Fan 2: She makes me question my sexuality sometimes as well...

by v1X3n April 1, 2022