A Cuck is the absolute opposite of an alpha male . Also known as a beta male. A Cuck is a man that has no balls or spine. A Cuck typically lets his wife walk all over him and usually allows her to flirt with other men because he’s such a bitch. He too much of a pussy to say anything …. A perfect example of a cuck is… TIM WALZ, AKA “TAMPON TIM”. He is the current governor of Minnesota, as well as the chosen running mate for vice president Camela 🐪Harris.
Tim Walz, AKA “Tampon Tim” is a huge Cuck.
Someone who really pisses you the fuck off
Rob called someone a cuck for doing stupid shit (TikTok @issa.fox)
Acronym for Can’t Unfuck Cellogg’s Kornflakes.
“That guy’s a cuck, his wife’s cheated on him 58 times.”
Derivative from "Cuckold", a cuck is in a broad sense a man whose wife is cheating. The term cuck has been used in online culture with several meanings.
1 : Cuckold is a category of porn where a man watches idly his wife having sex with another man, and often is humilated by the two partners. The husband and wife are most often white, and the other man black. The "cuck" being accused of being willing to raise the child of his wife's black boyfriend, or accused of lacking any self-respect or manhood.
2 : The term "cuckservative" has been widely used by the supporters of the then-candidate Donald Trump during the 2016 Republican Party primaries. The term was used towards Trump's adversaries, being accused of weakness or willingness to let illegal immigrants come in. The origin of the term might be the idea that the Republican candidates were watching the democrats raping America while being unable or unwilling to stop them.
3 : The term cuck is associated with the pro-Trump Alt-Right political movement. On the pro-Trump subreddit The_Donald or other social medias, "cuck" is widely used towards liberals or anyone opposing Trump. The term might be used to accuse a male of weakness, of wanting to let illegal immigrants come in, of thinking Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance, of raising the children of his wife's boyfriend, etc. See "Carl the Cuck", "Mark Cuckerberg", or the joke on this entry of Urban Dictionnary towards the liberal youtuber Onision.
1 : Those cuckold porn videos are disgusting, why would people watch a man watching his wife having sex with someone else.
2 : Jeb Bush is a cuckservative who will let illegal mexicans come in in hope of getting their political support.
3: Mark Cuckerberg opposes Trump, he doesn't want a wall at the southern border yet he owns a fortified mansion. What a cuck, I bet his bodyguards sleep with his wife.
A man who lets his wife or girlfriend have sex with other men. Often the man lets her do whatever she wants and treat him like shit.
(Short version of cuckold)
I would hate to be a cuck like Muji. His wife treats him like shit