P1: That person is having such an ella tarara moment
P2: a what moment
P1: it means they're a dumbass
Ella Lewis is not a bitch. She's the most generous, giving, loveable and sweet person. She has a successful life ahead of her with many accomplishments. Everyone who is an 'Ella Lewis' is one of the brightest people in everyone's life their involved in.
Ella Lewis is not a bitch, she is my best friend.
A mong and who loves a boy called Isaac, she had lots of friends but she is shy
Loads of boys like her
A meaning of a mong and a crackhead who needs help also a shy person with lots of friends
Lily ella your a mong
Anyone who's name is Ella/Eli has the best thussy. Unequivocally the best they/them pussy in the world, truly without equal or even competition.
Person A: I just had amazing sex with a fun person named Ella/Eli.
Person B: they must've had the best thussy, it's all downhill from here now.
Anyone who's name is Ella/Eli has the best thussy. Unequivocally the best they/them pussy in the world, truly without equal or even competition.
Person A: I just had amazing sex with with a fun person named Ella/Eli.
Person B: They must've had the best thussy, it's all downhill from here now.
Ella Parker is a shy, loving person. She will always do what’s better for her Friends. Oh btw she has a handful of friends that surround her with positive energy and encouragement all day everyday. Ella Parker will usually have 2-3 especially close friends. Ella Parker has a creative nature and is very psychologically mature, she would make a great psychologist. If you know and Ella Parker you are the luckiest person, because Ella Parker is an awesome human, with respect of the highest levels and endless love to share.
I was so sad, but it’s okay I talked to Ella Parker and she listened to me. She is so nice.