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Please note that i'm referring to current emos.

Emo, emotional, "emotive" (emotive is no longer a current term though). I know many current emos who describe themselve as emotional- finding "emo" to be an incorrect term (seeing as "emo" is a music genre, not a subculture).

Clothes: Normally tight shirts and jeans, hoodies/jackets at any size (I prefer a mixture of tight and baggy hoodies), and Converse or Vans (I love my Converses). A lot of black and bright/light colors such as pinks, purples, and light blues.

Makeup: Heavy dark makeup. Your eyes must show how dark of a person you are...lol, don't take it too seriously. Dark makeup around the eyes, making the eyes stand out, but sometimes with a bit of color as well (color optional). Sometimes little shapes like hearts, stars, or even tear drops can be drawn near your eyes with eyeliner as well. Nails? Black is a given, but many people like to mix it up; 10 different finger nails, 10 possible colors. Facial piercings are optional by the way. Google "emo pics" or something for a better understanding on makeup.

Hair: Big bang swooped across the face. Again, goggling "emo pics" would give you a better understanding. Possibly a few spikes, lightly teased, and a little color, I believe it ends there. Too much further and you're in the scene territory. I love scene hairstyles, but i'm not scene so I shouldn't try and steal from them...even though they are a sub-sub culture of us.

By the way, emo styles WILL very. All of those things above? You don't have to do ANY of it to be emo. The reason why most real emos would rather be called "emotional" is because it's the feeling that counts. To be honest, if you follow this kind of "emo code" to much, you'll just look like a poser...emos hate posers. Me? I mess up my hair and a little eyeshadow in a funky color, but I don't even do the heavy black eyes thing; I don't have enough time in the morning to put on that much makeup, lol. And no, black isn't mandetory. I do wear a lot of dark colors, but I don't always wear black. Two weeks ago I wore a mixture of white and tan colors, and i'm not any less emo for it.

Mood/Style: While stereotypically, we are supposedly depressed, sucidal, cut/harm ourselves, write dark poetry, and cry 24/7, not exactly true. Maybe for some of us, but my emo friends and I certainly don't. I'm often depressed, rarely suicidal anymore (thank god), I have burst out in tears for no reason a few times but not regularly, and i've only thought about cutting; i've never done it. As for poetry, I write happy and gloomy poems, but most of the ones I write are love poems.

My point of view? Emos are indeed emotional, but many...or at least some of us, aren't just "whinny babys". We tend to be quiet, passionate, loving people who are just damaged or bruised.
More Mood/Style: Some of us tend to have a thing for stuffed animals/plushies/etc etc. Could be a dinosaur, hello kitty, anime plush, or a regular stuffed animal your aunt Lue sent you, lol. I don't carry stuffed animals around 24/7, but some days I can't help but take an anime plush to school with me.

Myspace: Having a Myspace page is currently one of the latest non-fading emo fads. Get a lot of members, take a lot of photos, have an emo/depressing/dark layout, and be on often.

Emo music: *sigh* I don't even really want to mention emo music. Too much controversy. "That's a emo band!" "No it's not!" "There's no such thing as emo music!" I've heard them all. But, i'll list a few bands that i'd put in the emo category. You don't have to agree with me.

Panic! at the Disco, Taking Back Sunday, Hawthorne Heights, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Head Automatica, Cartel, Fallout Boy (before they hit it big), 30 Seconds to Mars & many more.

By the way, many emos wouldn't be caught dead without their mp3 player/music device.


"So whats emo really?" A music genre. Emotional, or Emotive is the subculture. We are dark people, but not as dark as goths. We are similar to punks mainly in style, but are attitudes tend to differ. We are dark people, but loving people, full of passionate emotions. We look sad on the outside, and feel better to be able to admit our pain to the world- making us feel better on the inside. We're not all sucidal or cutters; I know quite a few emos who think it's uncool to cut. We think it's dumb, just like you, to cut for no reason especially. We are full of emotion, we are emos.

"I show my dark emotions through my clothes, poetry, attitude, and the music I listen to. I'm not a bad person, i'm just darker and more in touch with my emotions than you."

by Inuoko November 30, 2008

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a style of rock music resembling punk but having more complex arrangements and lyrics that deal with more emotional subjects.
denoting or relating to emo and its associated subculture.

That band has emo roots.

by kaosmoker October 1, 2018

22๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A lifestyle which seems to have been blown out of proportion. Goth is not emo. Emo is not goth. Emos have usually a dark outlook on life, and just because someone dresses in all black does NOT make them emo. People tend to judge emos unfairly.

Man, he looks like an emo.

Look at that sexy emo hair!

by RobPattinson_sexytime December 9, 2008

60๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


Genre of softcore punk music that integrates unenthusiastic melodramatic 17 year olds who dont smile, high pitched overwrought lyrics and inaudible guitar rifts with tight wool sweaters, tighter jeans, itchy scarfs (even in the summer), ripped chucks with favorite bands signature, black square rimmed glasses, and ebony greasy unwashed hair that is required to cover at least 3/5 ths of the face at an angle.

::sniff sniff:: "The Demise of the Siberian Traintracks of Our Rusty Forgotten Unblemished Love" sounds like it would make a great emo band name. ::cry::

by 7ThisIsWudie7 June 8, 2003

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No emo

A phrase often used after someone says something that sounds emo, when its not meant to.

Yeah Dude, life sucks. No emo.

by Demindar May 29, 2011


Emo is a common word used to describe a group of nice, friendly people adhering to these standards (typically):

-Long, usually straightened hair, flipped to one side of the face.

-Tight skinny jeans, usually black, grey, reds, or certain neon colors.

-Black horn rimmed glasses

-Band shirts, striped clothes, checkered patters, all black shirts, etc all can be common apparel for emo kids.

-Slip on Vans are a favorite for emo kids shoes. Typically any kind of skater shoe may be worn as well.

In conclusion, I myself have been called "emo" and im your typical emo kid. i have cut before and do wear skinny jeans etc. i feel just the same as any other emo kid. i get picked on, made fun of, and called names because of who i am. Deep down inside ALL emo people are really friendly people. You dont even need to look deep down inside. Haters just need to stop judging us for who we are. I love EVERY emo person on the face of the planet. We are all here for each other, us emo's. Emo ppl RULE!!

Emo kids are dark, sensitive, and scary looking people but beneath all that there is a person who has a heart and truly cares.

by XxX|emo:heartbreak|XxX December 9, 2009

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Emo is another type of people. There are jocks, preps, nerds, goths, ect. Emo fits right in there, where it belongs. Emo people are normally happy, but at times get let down. Emos are normally labelled by the kids at school. Bullies help with the labeling. When people get called names and get picked on, they seem sad. A lot of them find ways to avoid it, but some hangs on to it no matter how long ago it was. They hang on because nobody lets them forget.

Next thing you know a rumor or secret gets out about how these people that got bullied hates themselves, or "cut". This is how emos get their names.

Emo people don't all hate themselves, nor "cut". Some are just tired of the life style they live, and people around them. Some don't want to die, they just want to start all over, but they can't. Emo people aren't allways outcast. In fact, some are rather poular.

Take it from someone that has been called "Emo" a lot of times, even by my bestfriend. Emo people aren't what everyone assumes, we can be rather cool.

Bully: Your fat and ugly.
Emo: Okay...Thanks.
(Emo goes home and texts her friend)
Emo: I got called fat and ugly today.
Friend: Again?
Emo: Yep, and I'm getting tired of it.
Friend: Wow, that's nice.
Emo: Yeah.
Friend: Well bye.
Emo: Bye.
(Friend tells people at school emo wants her life to stop)
Bully: So, you want to die know.
Emo: Whatever.
Bully: You should go be "emo" in a hole and die in it.
(Emo goes home and cries)

by Brianna Davis December 28, 2016

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