A dumbass chinese born kid that wont ever shut the fuck up
Gavin kill yourself please,
An individual and/or organisation who take advantage of small producers by purchasing products without payment and returning used
Don't be a Gavin and do the right thing by people always
Gavin is a genuine guy who cares for the woman he's with, he's always trying to make her happier and even to the point where it can be at the cost of his happiness. Gavin grew up with a rough background but never has let it determine his future. Gavin is also an absolute stud and dog who is greater than he realizes
Friend 1:”Have you seen Gavin, he's pussy whipped.”
Friend 2: “Nah he just loves his Baby Girl”
Friend 3:”what a great guy, he's an absolute stud”
The whitest person you will ever meet. Such a horrible name it should be considered child abuse to name your kid Gavin if you are a Gavin please stay away from everyone including your family because you will make them insane.
“See Gavin over there?” “yeah” “he’s a cracker”
Gavin is very talented. He is very dedicated to school and hobbies. But he can be a bitch. You’re either his best friend or worst enemy. When he gets upset he goes ape. He will tear up anything in his path and fuck everyone up.
Shut the fuck up Gavin, no one gives a shit.
Gavin is the most handsome guy u will ever meet. He’s tall athletic and always try’s to put ethers in a good mood even when he’s not.Gavin cares about his friends and family, he has a big heart and and puts ethers first before him. Gavin has the funniest sense of humor and is a loyal friend. He is a ladies man, when it comes to girls Gavin always knows how to make them smile or even laugh.Any girl who meets a Gavin will instantly fall in love with him.Gavin is the best boyfriend in the world and would give anything to the lucky girl who dates/falls in love with him.Gavin is one of a kind,so if u ever find a Gavin don’t let go of him.❤️
If u ever get the chance to know a Gavin,just remember don’t screw it up❤️
Gavin the man of your dreams
He will not make you scream
He will love u no matter what
He also has a nice butt.
Gavin the milgate carrier
You will be happier
Can't tell you why
Can't tell you how
He is a man to die
For, your b-day might be in july.
I am from the arms
And the charms
Of Gavin
As he examines.
Gavin the man of your dreams