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Google Light

The bright white light that emanates from google, used to light up the desk in front of you. Good for eating late night dinner in front of your computer.

Phil made a mess of the table after jacking off to some late night porn. If it wasn't for google light he would have never cleaned it up properly.

by Mangoninja August 15, 2008

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Google Haxor

Is a Google mirror of sorts, which has its links written in the basic Language of L33t

Acces of google haxor fallows:

1) go to regular google
2) wright google jaxor
3) click im feeling lucky... boom your their

by none85 July 6, 2005

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Google Translate

A place where people will type stupid things in other languages to get a funny result in english. It's barely used for anything real.

๐™‚๐™ค๐™ค๐™œ๐™ก๐™š ๐™๐™ง๐™–๐™ฃ๐™จ๐™ก๐™–๐™ฉ๐™š (Google Translate)

French: jus de oof
English: oof juice

by a lightswitch + a doorbell March 12, 2019

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Google Plus

Google+ is currently dominated by teenagers and young adults. We have the cult inner circles (shroomboys) and many things like that. There are lots of drama but overall it's a good place.

Alexander: *posts meme on Google Plus*
500 +1's

by BOINAENAE February 7, 2018

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Google flu

The self diagnosis of influenza having read the symptoms on the internet.

He bought five packets of anti-viral drugs from a gentleman in Lagos but it was only Google flu.

by Baron Whimwham July 16, 2009

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Andy Google

The 20-21 year old kid who thinks they know everything, no matter what you argue they convinced they are always correct, Piggy, a person who acts as though they know everything and overwrites the ideas, opinions, comments and/or suggestions of others.

Ya, ok, sure, whatever you say Andy Google,

by Duss March 12, 2010

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Utilizing various internet search engines to explore the life of someone with whom you have been acquainted. This practice is used heavily in the world of dating where one partner may learn more about the other based on few facts in order to establish a better sense of who the potential partner is. This practice can be used for finding someone's home address, employment status and record, past relationships, criminal record, residence value, and social networking profiles.

Me: How did you know his father is the athletic director at the high school?
You: Because I Google-stalked him and found out his dad's name using the white pages and then searched that.

by Francine McFarland September 29, 2008

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