national heavy day is September 27th, you join jets dream world on this day and tell them how amazing heavy is,
Hey what is national heavy day?
national heavy day is when you appreciate heavy..
Really betrayed by someone close like a friend
I have just been heavy judased by my best friend I will never talk to them again
1. A big jewelry store with loads of gold for sale
2. A woman who wears lots of gold jewelry/necklaces/bracelets, rings, earrings, etc.
3. A goldmine with lots of unexcavated gold.
A: Look at that girl. She looks gorgeous.
B: She's gold heavy. She should be loaded.
A large two wheel death machine commonly referred to as a sled, that moves along earth based substances.
Capable of ejecting its pilot at slow to ‘oh fuck’ speeds.
Carrying more household shit than is usually needed.
A large fuel carrying ability with a small sedan sized motor thumping away between the legs of its pilot.
When dropped or a sticky situation does arise, the pilot is usually heard bleating out ‘fucking thing is heavy as fuck’!
‘The fuck dude that thang looks as heavy as fuck’
Having a dream where all three Corrs sisters are enjoying your presence in bed with them
It was a Corrs Heavy dream, those girls are gaelic-ous