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hitler tuur

A gay tuur who likes hitler.

Hitler tuur likes killing jews.

by hahahahaazkfp March 2, 2023

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Nerdoff Hitler

1. Somebody who tells jokes that are of an inappropriate moral nature.
2. A person who totally kills a joke

That guy thought he was soooooo funny when he told a joke about death at his grandmothers wake cause he thought it would make people laugh but turns out the joke was on him after someone called him a Nerdoff Hitler right back.

by DarlingNiki18 October 27, 2021

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captain hitler

that one police officer or security guard that just goes absolutely mental for no apparent reason.

does not have to be violent.

so i was just standing around outside the shops when captain hitler came over and went absolutely ballistic on me. i still don't know what i did wrong.

by Nuclear Diarrhea. January 22, 2017

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spicy hitler

after a man cums on your mouth and pours sriracha above your lip to resemble an Aryan mustache

her lips burned after he gave her a spicy hitler

by MankeyFTW January 25, 2016

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Gay Hitler

The desire of someone to be with Gay Hitler

"Man, I love that Gay Hitler."

by Communist leader July 25, 2020

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adolf hitler

the person every german-american kid says they're related to after studing WWII in history class.

Joe is a 2nd generation German-American and likes to boast about being related to Adolf Hitler for some strange reason.

by azlongboarder August 6, 2011

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Hitler Zombie

The zombies that get raped by
Haduken zombies because theyre such fags they need pineapples shoved up their asses to prevent them from being battlefeild deadweight during zombie orgy battles.

that bitch is such a Hitler Zombie.

ill get the pineapples.

*deep voice* lets get tropical on dat ass.

by stapleface the great April 24, 2009

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