Someone being a complete jerk about having a boyfriend
Some Random Guy: "Excuse me ma'm"
Boyfriend Jerk: "I have a boyfriend!"
“Jerk off!”
A phrase used to challenge someone in a dance battle that consists only of the jerk, a popular dance move originating in the 1960’s
“Guys, jerk off!”
*starts jerking*
Review Jerk is the opposite of review bomb. Its when people/reviewers/critics /fans flood content with positive reviews to push their own woke agenda when the content was clearly bad. Also Review jerking is something that doesn't exist according to people who always use review bombing as an excuse when reviews can be jerked or bombed.
Look at how critics review jerked Masters of the Universe: Revelation and also said "Its an impressively loyal He-Man series"
Looking something up, with the intentions of jerking off to it
Tonight I think i'm going to jerk it up to some celeb nudes
Circle jerk around a campfire to extinguish the fire
The boys and I all campfire jerked after the fire to end the night
When you beat your dick with hot sauce.
"I can't find my lube, so I guess I'm going to have to atomic jerk."
A young woman that is indignant to the attention of older men. Despite obviously wanting attention, they vocalize their distaste for older interested parties, usually at rather loud decibels. A person who is obnoxious about their disgust for "thirsty" dudes despite doing their best to advertise that they have all the "milkshakes."
Nah man, ignore her she just wants attention; she is a Soda Jerk.