Source Code

Alabama Soul Patch

When a woman has a extremely hairy asshole.

Jeff said he bent her over and noticed she had a Alabama soul patch. He said it looked like a horse tail.

by SpaldingDualie September 16, 2021

The D (Dennis R) (post 1.1 patch)

The D is a mystical being who is an accomplice of The J. He used to be called Dennis R, but the community slowly started shifting towards calling him "The D" as the merchandising started to feature the latter name.

The D has received various buffs and debuffs throughout this update. He is no longer as prone to getting debuffed by missfosters or The J. However, his attack stat has become reduced while his defense stat has been increased, making him more of a tanky pick.

The D's number one move, "Neverending Anger", has been greatly buffed in that it now also boosts his defense.

Man, I was almost killed by The D (Dennis R) (post 1.1 patch) yesterday.

broooo..... The D (Dennis R) (post 1.1 patch) is so powerful he opened the door when two people were blocking it.....

I wish I could have my very own The D (Dennis R) (post 1.1 patch)!

by Follower of Dennis R and The J January 16, 2024

Gang Patch

A Gang Patch is a tattoo with a certain design representing the Gang. Also can be referred to a type of patch on a jacket or hat etc. Most gangs require some sort of action to be able to have it put on. Rumor has it that they hold souls in the tattoos especially the notorious gangs such as AB which supposedly is #1 for carrying soulz.

Think twice before getting a Gang Patch because it is for life and you will have to earn it in a undescribable way and if you do something against the rules you'll have to get the patch removed which in most cases it will be cut out, just remember it ain't nothing to joke about.

by CARTEL STYLE LLC November 20, 2023

Briar Patching

The rhetorical phenomena where someone understands his opponent so poorly that he smugly suggests something he thinks they will hate but that they gleefully endorse.

Based on the story of Br'er Rabbit and the Briar Patch.

Person 1: "If you support X, that will enable Y."
Person 2: "Great!"
Person 1: "Wait, you support Y?"
Person 2: "Yep! You appear to be Briar Patching."

by z7r1k3 September 14, 2022

The Patched Backpack

Lindsey Lohan's pussy

Yo dude i saw you going into the bedroom with the patched backpack last night!

by Backpacking across the US February 26, 2011

rainbow patch

When you eat a girl out when she's on her period and your mouth holds a red stain

Last night after I ate Ashley out I checked in the mirror and I had a rainbow patch! Now I can't get this nasty bitch blood out my mouth

by Eat her out, bloody, Justice October 25, 2015

carrot patch with pumpkin soup

a ranga with orange pubes called carrot patch

carrot patch with pumpkin soup shaving red pubes

by Random Rdoxx October 28, 2013