Typically and Ass Man.
Often times a Tess.
Damn that poser drinking beer at work.
People who copy terms on UD to try and stay relevant.
Yo, that whiteboys slang wasn't even correct. What a poser. He probably got his slang from UrbanDictionary.
Not to be confused with a beginner, a poser is that kid at the skate park that sits on every obstacle with a skateboard but never rides it and then says that he tre flipped a 7 stair
skater: hey man look at this clip.
Poser: that's cool but I dolphin flipped that same 12 stair
Someone who is only slightly into a hobby simply so they can act as though they’re an expert in it and have an excuse once they are called a poser
Dang he’s such a cheap poser. He’s only been a skater for a week and he acts like he’s a pro
Hurriedly and randomly collecting scattered pieces of shit
and sloppily throwing them onto a disorganized pile.
And, thinking you are the best thing humanity has ever laid eyes or ears on
rendering yourself as just a poser.
Golly Bill,,, Mr. Ware sure did put a nice collection of abstract
musical instrument noises together,,, NOT he's just a poser.