When in doggy style slip your finger in her ass and then reach around and wipe your finger on her upper lip and then hang on
Finger in?) ass doggy-style dirty Sancheze
Lucas sanchez is a cool person that can get a little annoying sometimes but he is a caring person with a really big heart, he is super smart, he is funny and also a really good actor, people say “I love Lucas Sánchez” and they also say “Lucas Sanchez is such a cool guy”, etc.
“Lucas Sanchez is a good friend” “Lucas Sanchez is pretty cool”
A person that is very cute has a big dick and very athletic
OMG look at that Rey Sanchez Alex he is so cute.
It is a dirty sanchez but with period blood.
I was boning this chick on her period and gave her an Indian Sanchez.
The definition is the same as a Dirty Sanchez; however the act is performed by hand.
Gross!! it looks like you gave her a Dirty Sanchez!!
Oh no. I didn't want to get my peter all sticky, so I gave her a Manual Sanchez instead.
the best guy in the universe. he is so sweet and utter perfection in every way. he deserves his own galaxy.