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Sneaky Naughty Nasty One

Something or someone that is hard or difficult to do. such as a math problem or a male model.

Algebra 1 Teacher- watch out for that sneaky naughty nasty one.

by LadyGaGaBV February 9, 2010

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National Sneaky Link Day

It's Sneaky Link day on the August 22nd.

โ€œWho tryna be my sneaky link for National Sneaky Link day?โ€

by SippinFacts123 August 2, 2021

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Sneaky weenie grab

1. Grabbing or touching a man's penis without people looking.

Kevin: I say you should Sneaky weenie grab Mike.
Emmo: I won't tell !!
Kevin: Everybody turn around!

by iDGAFy0o April 14, 2009

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Rank 40 Squig Herder that uses SNEAKY GOBLIN TICTACS

by Petesmash-the-Reincarnated November 11, 2008

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Sneaky Pierre Mung Share Surprise

Following a Munging session and prior to brushing your teeth you french kiss someone without telling them what you have been doing.

I was on my way home when I ran into Diane so I couldn't resist giving her a Sneaky Pierre Mung Share Surprise.

by Johnny DeWadd Watkins July 29, 2006

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sneaky ginger jew rat

One who is quite sneaky with his/her scheme, has red hair (preferably kinky) and amassing large quantities of money or goods who will snitch you out come tax season.

Tom - "Hey did you file your tax with Wayland"
Paul - "No that doucher is a sneaky ginger jew rat"

by mtdawg123 March 31, 2023

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Sneaky McSneak-Sneak Bitch

Sheโ€™s extremely pretty and has a body of a goddess but sheโ€™s a whore with the worst attitude you could ever imagine. she smells like expired fish fingers and guys think her pussy tastes like sour milk and liver. she talks shit about anything that breathes and nobody likes her stank ass. sheโ€™s a snake and even Regina George wouldnโ€™t approve of her. donโ€™t trust her.

โ€œsome Sneaky McSneak-Sneak Bitch told me that your boyfriend fucked her!โ€

Person 1: why does she always talk shit about people she doesnโ€™t know?!
Person 2: ah donโ€™t worry, sheโ€™s just a classic Sneaky McSneak-Sneak bitch

by trapthagod May 21, 2019

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