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Larry looking son of a bitch

A guy who looks like his name should be larry.

Hey, who took the last beer?
Oh, it was that Larry looking son of a bitch.

by Howie Feltersnatch January 2, 2004

47๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

You Got Schooled Son!

As When A Person Gets Tricked Or Catfished

When You (Online Date) And the person (Catfishes) You . Someone says. AW MAN YOU GOT SCHOOLED SON!

by Iantheone March 20, 2018

Mary Jane Twat-son

When you bunch all your fingers together and insert them into a moist vagina. Pulling out the fingers, you spread them and make a spider web with the pussy juice.

Dude, Jenny came over last night, and we totally read the Bible. She got in her knees, and just started to read the Bible. Then we got out my secret stash and read the Bible. Then I gave her a nice hot and sweaty bible. Where I continued to Mary Jane Twat-son her

by Tara and Colin March 2, 2022

kick rocks son

some lame shit people in NYC say kinda like "blow it out your ass"

(man says something funny) nigga, kick rocks son

by Mario123 May 24, 2004

11๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž

I dont know son

A Phrase originally from The Hilarious film step brothers

What Derek Huff says to his son in complete despair When Dale says something truly stupid. Asking if bonito fish are big ?

Dale:are bonito fish big

Tommy: Whats this guys deal ?

Derek:Ah...I dont know son

by Ahidontknowson May 17, 2011

8๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

father, son, and holy ghost

when shitting, this dump is characterized by a large turd, followed by a smaller turd, and just when you think you may have another turd on the way, only a large fart emerges.

Wow, I thought I had a whale family on the way, but it turned out to be merely a father, son, and holy ghost!

by Whooreface killa December 15, 2004

85๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fuck yo momma's son

Literally meaning FUCK YOU also dissing your mom at the same time. Since on the internet most of the people who will ever use this term is saying it to guys.

the list can go on maybe
Fuck your momma's son
Fuck your mum's daughter
Fuck your mum's whole family

Guy1:dude what the fuck is your problem





Guy2: omg you kno what i meant.

by DudeOMGWTFBBQKKK? March 19, 2007

69๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž