When uncircumcised schmegma build up becomes infected, causing blood and/or puss to mix into it. Often results in a hampered gate while walking.
Did you notice the way he's walking today? He needs to do something about that spicy cheese ring he's got.
A Vagina with one or more STD's
"You really dont wanna get with her, I hear shes got a spicy meat closet"
When a liquid in a coffee mug hits rather hard, can be almost anything including: Coffee, Bourbon/Whiskey, Chocolate Milk, Water, etc. Freshly made coffee is the most common spicy slice, but once again it can be nearly any liquid as long as it goes hard..
As per the "Spicy Slice of Joe Podcast"
"Hey Lee, want to come over for spicy slice of joe?"
ghost tampons is when a spooky B*,ch on her periodt and instead of using tampons she goes for the tapatío bottle and uses that instead no cap on
man leme tell you something idk how she got it in dere but i ain't eating tapatío no more that was half full man i wana go home i ain't never seen no spicy ghost tampon before
When you put hot sauce on your cock and fling it around to make a mess
"You were so drunk last night, you gave the party a california spicy roll"
the most bussin bussin thing ever
“do you like spicy ramen?”
“yuh ofc i like bussin spicy ramen”
A situation in which a person grows unwanted affection for someone when they it's bad for them
Increasing love for somebody who you know is toxic for your mental health
- a spicy noodle situation