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sports administration

A program at Laurentian University (and many other universities across the globe) sometimes referred to as SPAD. This program focusses on the business of sport in areas such as HR, Finance, Marketing and many other areas. Many alumnus have gone on to be incredibly successful in the sport industry.

Jake: Hey Zach, what college program did you apply for?
Zach: I applied to sports administration so I can be the GM of the Leafs.

by Spad Gal 2021 July 9, 2018

sport bumming

Sport bumming, where the amorous bummer is chasing the reluctant bummee, on a successful capture the amorous bummer converts the reluctant bummee to become an amorous bummer! Continuing in the game of Sport Bumming….

‘Oooh come here Dolmio you will be converted’
You’re closing in on me you Amorous bummer…
Shit, welcome Dolmio to Sport bumming… now go out hunting..
‘Oooh come here Calf’……..

by Sutty9 August 24, 2023

clean breathing sports ventilator

A ventilator used during an asthma attack that is filled with crystal meth. This clean breathing ventilator requires a lighter for use and will often keep users awake to Christmas (yay Santa!)

"Fuck that ride to Dapto on me stolen bike has given me breathing difficulties. Better have me clean breathing sports ventilator! "

by Tomstrong October 18, 2015

Sport Run

A form of running to help one go faster; typically doesn’t look like your normal run.

Omg!!! Look at them sport run, they are so fast!!!

by Kent A. Meters September 3, 2022

Sport Run

A form of running that helps one go faster; typically looks different then your normal run

Omg!!! Look at them sport run, they are so fast!!

by Kent A. Meters September 3, 2022

Sport eating

When you work out pretty hard but eat WAY more calories than you burnt off. Especially at multiple restaurants and appetizer menus after the workout.

Man we went climbing in the Gunks today then Sport Eating for burgers, beer, burritos, hot sauce, perogies, fries, rubens, and ice cream. We are not pros yet so couldn’t finish the pastrami sandwich from Harolds.

by Heady Snobber October 20, 2020

AE sports

AE sports is the opposite of EA sports, you are guaranteed to want to play or discover the new AE sports. The founder of AE sports is names 'Ash Kasadra' who tends to make funny jokes and play around all day, wasting his life on video games such as 'roblox'. AE sports is a meme which you get fat which is the opposite of fit where in EA sports you are supposed to stay fit.

AE sports is such a pog game.

by (ó﹏ò。) March 5, 2021