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Salt squad

An awesome group of friends who live every moment to the last. They go through the stupidest things together and enjoy it. No one can stop them, they are a force of nature that everyone loves. They are imperfect, they are salty but they're always together. They live together and die together. (Salty from time to time!)

They are like a salt squad.

by Salt squad February 18, 2017

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A gang that originated in polk county Florida

watch out for that polk county goon squad!

by JUVI D January 4, 2008

38๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž


A small Gang located in Elmira, New York. Which is comprised of a bunch of middle school flamming homosexuals that have an interest in touching each other. One day two gay black kids said "hey wanna get a bunch of other gay's together so we can all "boof", and if anyone doesn't like us we can slay them with our gay tactics."

A kid from Horseheads- You kids are all queers.
G-Squad fag- yo... we'll try to beat you so hard we turn you gay.

by JSzewczyk February 8, 2011

18๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Boon squad

A bunch of homosexuals with man boobs and a hairy pubic region.

The Boon Squad gives free blow jobs.

by Tyler again March 23, 2004

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Death Squad

A group of bitchy guys/girls that continuously shoot evil looks at you. Will gossip, stir and lie in such a way that is not noticeable to others. Usually carry similar markings, e.g orange faces and lots of mascara. Of course this example generally relates to girls.

A: Urgh, the death squad are trying to stare me out again.
B: God I hate them so much, I could just turd on that Alice's face.

by loveyoulots December 18, 2007

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Suicide Squad

A shitty movie. The Joker "dies"

Dude: did u see suicide squad
Girl: I want to break up with you for watching that movie

by I GOT A 11 INCH April 15, 2018

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Blazin' Squad

A bunch of kids trying to be cool and grown up and failing dismally, close to
being humorous

Could be used to a load of screaming kids on the top deck of a bus.
eg "Oh please stop behaving like the blazin squad"

by Dave P January 6, 2004

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