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Frog stamp

When a man leap frogs over another person and smacks them in the back of the head with their genitals.

Nick frog stamped Ryan while they were playing leap frog.

by SinLust1319 February 2, 2024

Frog stamp

When a man leap frogs over another person and slaps them in the back of the head with their genitals.

Nick just frog stamped Ryan as they were playing leap frog.

by SinLust1319 February 2, 2024

neger stamp

neger stamp Swedish word for rap music that white people use.

"name of firend" turn of that dam neger stamp!

by zeunerts must October 9, 2018

sweat stamp

After you’ve had intercourse and you outline your penis sweat onto the other’s chest.

Can I sweat stamp you after sex?

by Nonerrr July 29, 2022

Stamp that

To agree to do something with another person, stating your arrival as fact.

To state something as a fact, in an "80's fashion".

> "The United States flag has 50 stars, representing each state, and 13 stripes, representing the original states/colonies."

> "Stamp that!"

by dpaxton715 February 9, 2023

got stamped

when a person stands over another person for something the person has and the other person wants.

Mem"did you see that?" Ren "No!" Mem"that girl across the road in the blue dress just got stamped by that other girl in the green hat"

by renmem July 12, 2022


A short phrase derived from Memphis, Tennessee. Means something is SOLIDIFIED. It's stamped mean its official. NO NEED FOR FURTHER EXPLANATION. STAMP THAT AMP THAT FLAMP THAT. SIGNED SEALED AND DELIVERED.

Mane it's big Memphis forever! STAMP THAT AMP THAT FLAMP THAT

by MEMPHIS TALK November 6, 2023