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WWE syndrome

Being insanely obsessed with wrestling and any thing to do with wrestling

Tom: OH MAN Brock Lesnar !!!

by sizzle February 26, 2003

88πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

princess syndrome

This is a certain behavior that many females have, that stems from a young age. It starts out with just a cute, lets say 6 year old girl, who is constantly told 'she is beautiful' by her parents and environment, and is treated like a princess as long as she behaves. This might happen throughout all her years of growing up; she's called 'the most beautiful girl in the class' or is made to feel like she is 'what every guy wants'. In the end, she will have a long list of men that hit on her, but that she ended up rejecting.

The problem is if you 'have a crush' or 'fall in love' with one of these girls. Usually it will end by her 'breaking up' (at least the tension) by saying she's not really interested. The rejected man has to move on.

When a girl has princess syndrome, she's probably not worth going after.
Man I didn't realize it at first, but the girl i met last night definitely suffered from princess syndrome.

by poopripper January 5, 2015

49πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Asperger Syndrome

An illness that is definitely not just a mild form of autism. It is definitely milder than autism, but Asperger syndrome is a different condition and it has different (but similar) symptoms. However, despite all the hype and overdiagnosis, very little is actually known about the condition.

The most commonly-known 'symptom' is having trouble in social situations, including problems making eye contact, for example. Sometimes, people with this condition may have poor motor coordination, which may lead to failure in team sports.

Despite popular opinion, people with Asperger syndrome do not have any trouble realizing social situations or people's emotions. They do, however, have a problem in responding accordingly, mainly because of the fear and tension that human contact causes. This fact is demonstrated by experiments that show that people with Asperger syndrome have no problem identifying the proper social behavior when in a controlled laboratory setting with no people around.

This is counter to people with autism, who do indeed have serious problems diagnosing social situations, not just problems responding to them.

Asperger syndrome causes a huge range of problems in life that can manifest or lead to depression, social anxiety disorder, rejection, and even suicide in some cases.

Despite this, Asperger's is no excuse not to try to lead a normal life, as demonstrated by the large number of people who have succeeded at their jobs, at social life, and marriage despite having Asperger's. However, a person with, say, diabetes may live a relatively normal life too. Just because a disease does not force one to live their life on a hospital bed doesn't mean it is not a real illness.

Despite my having Asperger syndrome and all the problems that go along with it, I've managed to live a relatively normal life using self-discipline, a small but nonetheless friendly social circle, and the occasional dose of professional help/advice.

by ittybittybit September 28, 2009

177πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž

Kobe Syndrome

Radical and extreme form of hero worship, in which a person believes the particular hero they worship is capable of doing absolutely anything better than absolutely anyone else.

This illness, mostly common in young males, is very dangerous in that it causes its victims to completely lose touch with reality and replaces normal behavior with non-stop, masturbatory praise for the hero. This inevitably leads to a crush on the hero, similar to a 10 year-old girl's crush on the latest boy band.

The name of this illness is derived from overzealous fans of NBA player Kobe Bryant, who believe that because he can throw a ball into a hoop well, this single skill would somehow make him a better golfer than Tiger Woods, a better actor than Jack Nicholson, a better artist than Salvador Dali and a better President than Barack Obama.

Kobe Syndrome victim: Oohhhhh man, look at the way Kobe shoots the ball... Ohhh man, he's just soooo good... oooohh, ahhhh, mmmmmm, I need another poster of him for my wall... he would be sooo much better than Obama as President....

Healthy person: Man, put your dick back in your pants, all he did was put a ball through a hoop, it takes more than that to run the United States of America!

by Grackle May 12, 2009

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Keefy Syndrome

The act of liking someone/thinking they like you after having only exchanging a of couple words with each other. Extreme cases include no words been said but instead just them staring at you for around a second, enough for you to fall in love with them or for you to think they love you.

Person 1: I’m in love with that girl from maths I’d do anything for her to be my gf.

Person 2: Why?

Person 1: When I was leaving class she asked me if we have any homework due tomorrow when she could of asked anyone.

Person 2: Man you’ve got extreme Keefy syndrome she don’t like you she got a bf plus why would she like you fat fucking shit get a life you cunt.

by Josephgeorge12 December 10, 2022

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

velma syndrome

Velma syndrome is when a person with glasses is punched hard enough that his or her glasses are removed from their face causing a lack of vision.

Symptoms of Velma Syndrome:
1. Loss of glasses
2. Hallucinations
3. Getting your ass beat in a fight

Jinkies... he punched the hell out of me! I'm having velma syndrome right now!

by Fishie Fish November 30, 2013

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Breakdown Syndrome

When a person loses all sanity and mental stability when metal/rock song goes to a breakdown.

FRIEND 1: Dude, I dont know what happened. We were sitting in the car and Justin just went crazy and started hitting me and stuff when a breakdown happened.

FRIEND 2: Ya, he suffers from breakdown syndrome.

See also down syndrome

by SMOKING BANDIT April 4, 2011

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