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To be taught a lesson; overcome or beaten; to overwhelm an opponent; to give or receive punishment or extreme consequences

The drill sergeant has been taxing me all day with cleaning duties.

by Monaldo AbuSoufiane November 24, 2020


To be taught a lesson; overcome or beaten; to overwhelm an opponent; to give or receive punishment or extreme consequences

The drill sergeant has been taxing me all day with cleaning duties.

by Monaldo AbuSoufiane November 24, 2020


When a bitch being stingy. Or something is hella expensive.

Real Nigga 1: “damn this hoe say she not gonna give up the head”
Real Nigga 2:”that hoe taxing

by NiggaButt2012 May 27, 2021

Noise Tax

An informal but harsh penalty dealt out by neighbors of people who feel the need to show off the loud exhausts on their motorcycles and sports cars, their illegal fireworks or 12 million watt subwoofers. Also people who are mystified by their car alarms, can't properly care for pets and children, and talk outside windows late at night like they're at some club can expect an invoice

The tax itself is on a sliding scale based on the offender, the offense, and how often it happens: ranges from being anonymously being reported to local Code Enforcement or a Karen-post on Nextdoor and can escalate beyond minor frozen urine puddles to facing an arson charge for the recipient

Wayne was happy his favorite sports team won, he didn't know or care that the single mother next door was up past her shift tending to her son with colic so he was surprised to find a dirty diaper through his sunroof; the frustrated mother had succeeded in exacting a Noise Tax.

by Bryan Eurism March 23, 2021

Isaiah tax

The Isaiah tax is used to steal someone’s weed with out paying them back or something in return

“Yeah unfortunately my weed got Isaiah taxed” “damn man that sucks

by 6844ghji October 31, 2023

Clout Tax

An additional fee added to any good or service based on how popular it is on social media

Yo that tattoo artist is costing you $3000 for a thigh piece. you're deffo paying clout tax

by rmpl4sskn June 14, 2023

tin tax

A debate term based on famous debater Tin Puljić famously coined by other famous debaters such as Rumen Marinov and Matt Caito which essentially means that good debaters who do incredibly well in the first two rounds of a tournament end up in a room with Tin in the third round and inevitably end up losing.

"Damn, the first two rounds went so well, guess we have to pay the tin tax in R3 now/"

by wasteland-peace November 6, 2023