a nice big man with a loose bum hole and a big cox if you get what i mean ;)
Suzi: im going to see farmer cox later, wanna come along bob?
Bobbart: hell yeAH
Someone called Joshua parker with yellow and very little teeth
Someone who eats a LOT of arse
He's so full of shit he must have been eating it. What a chocolate farmer
A person who creates a post with the sole idea of generating "likes" on social media.
Mike is always posting pictures of the sunset with inspirational quotes. He's just a like farmer.
I little bitch who tries to act cool but really is scared. Someone who also attempts to dress "dope", uses slang words that out of date.
Wow! That pussy farmer is wearing fucking chains everywhere.
A normal cookie you can buy from Rewe that has no relation to farmers.
Yo let's go to Rewe and buy some farmer cookies and Spezi