Source Code

Midnight marathon

When you go to bed somewhere between midnight and 3 am for no apparent reason than not having to go to work the same morning.

Even if you do have to work the following morning, don't pull a midnight marathon if you aren't exactly sure what you're doing and how to do it safely.

by Sexydimma May 15, 2021

Midnight Dreary

A sex worker's rump.

I came upon a Midnight Dreary.

by LadyStix September 8, 2021

spraying midnight juice

When u are over at a girls house past midnight and u cum all over her. Preferably face but stomach or tits will do.

You were really spraying midnight juice last night eh?

by BigPapi420 June 26, 2015

Midnight Cipher

A girl who tries really hard to make good art but fails miserably (who is also obsessed with Ezio Auditore from Assassins creed)

Oh my god, Midnight Cipher,stop it

by fucc_iforgotmypassword November 15, 2017

The Stalking Midnight Human Platypus Stripper Butthole Crowbar Prey Humping Muskrat Booty Bandit

A very interesting and scary guy. He kind of looks like Spurned Progeny (boss) from Lords of The Fallen but he is also a platypus so he's got platypus parts. And he will hump you (only if you are a guy) if you're not careful so watch out for him when you go to bars late at night. He likes to hide in dark alleyways by populated areas. He will stalk out his prey and once he gets the chance, he will start to strip and pull a crowbar out of his rectum, then proceed to start humping the victim. BUT there is a way to prevent that. If you have a muskrat nearby, you can bait him and he will start humping the muskrat.

"I got to watch out for The Stalking Midnight Human Platypus Stripper Butthole Crowbar Prey Humping Muskrat Booty Bandit when I go out to the bars tonight"

by Ben Fartin December 8, 2023

midnight drippings

When your cooch drips all night long

After a hard fucking, she will have midnight drippings

by MghtDrp April 19, 2024

midnight forum

A midnight forum is a forum wich is often used on hours close to midnight and usually talk about "dark" topics anonymously

P1:They say that there's a secret agency dedicated to find aliens among us
P2:No way, where did you read that?
P1:On a midnight forum, probably it's gone by now

by Alecced October 24, 2020